"Mangkang Menua,Mangkang Dunya,Ngetan Ke Bansa!!"

October 30, 2011

SPRM : Saya Peminat Ringgit Malaysia, Saya Pun Rasuah Mah

Filed under: Barisan Nasional,Corruptions — Pengayau @ 9:21 am
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Harapkan Pagar, Pagar pula makan padi beginilah keadaan di Malaysia kini. Jabatan- jabatan penguatkuasa undang-undang bukan sahaja semakin berani memukul arus perubahan kehendak rakyat malah mereka sanggup menggadaikan Intergriti Negara.

Kita harap polis jaga keamanan Negara , tapi mereka pukul suspek sampai mati. Kita harapan Jabatan Penjara pulihan penjenayah tapi mereka dilatih menjadi mahir. Kita harapankan Suruhan Jaya Pencegah Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) , tapi mereka kejar kes kecil-kecilan.

Ratusan Billion ringgit tidak ada sebarang tindakan,sebaliknya hanya -hanya kes rasuah beberapa ringgit dibawa ke muka pengadilan. Mungkinkan sebabnya kerana yang patut mengawal Korupsi itu sendiri Korup.

Tapi tiba-tiba Ketua Pengarah Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia mahu mengundur diri dengan melantik timbalannya sebagai penganti, kenapa? Mungkinkah dia sendiri menyalah gunakan kuasanya?

Saya difahamkan bahawa :

a. Kementerian kewangan tidak membenarkan pemberian Kontrak dengan secara Rundingan Terus atau Direct Negotiation. Kelonggaran hanya diberi dalam keadaan berikut :

i. Peralatan yang hendak dibeli hanya dibuat oleh syarikat/pengeluar/pembuatberkenaan dan tidak boleh diperolehi di pasaran terbuka “open market” atau “off shelf”

ii. Peralatan yang hendak dibeli dibuat oleh syarikat/pengeluar/pembuat kepada spesifikasi kerajaan yang khusus atau “specific requirement” mengikut keperluaan pengguna

iii. Keperluaan kerahsiaan peralatan tersebut seperti alat komunikasi pasukan elite yang menggunakan frekuensi khas agar tidak berlaku ‘tapping’ atau ‘jamming’

iv. Lain-lainkeadaan yang mengambil kira keperluan kerajaan.

b. Pakaian Seragam Angkatan Tentera Malaysia, Kastam DiRaja Malaysia, Immigresen , BOMBO, JPA, Maritim Malaysia, RELA dan lain-lain diperolehi secara Tender terbuka dan Sebutharga terbuka bagi setiap jenis peralatan yang melengkapkan pakaian seragam.

Tidak pernah sehingga kini kita ketahui Badan-Badan beruniform di Malaysia member Kontrak perolehan Keseluruhan peralatan Pakaian Seragam kepada SATU SYARIKAT SECARA ‘HEAD to TOE’. Ini adalah kerana tidak ada satu syarikat di Malaysia yang membuat atau mengeluarkan semua jenis peralatan seragam dan kebanyakan peralatan tersebut boleh diperolehi dari berbagai sumber dan ada yang ‘of the Shelf’

Ketua Pesuruhjaya Suruhanjaya Pencegah Rasuah Malaysia telah memberikan Kontrak yang dianggarkan bernilai RM 7.5 juta ringgit melalui rundingan terus serta meluluskan pembelian HEAD TO TOE kepada hanya satu syarikat iaitu Syarikat Mariwasa Kraftangan Sdn Bhd yang beroperasi di Kuala Kangsar, Perak. Mariwasa Kraftangan Sdn Bhd adalah pengeluar barangan logam seperti Pewter, Tembaga, Perak dan Emas dan adalah pembuat barangan seerti cenderahati , pingat-pingat dan keperluaan peralatan pakaian seragam yang hanya dibuat dari logam seperti pip, crown, star, collor dot dan lain-lain.

Mariwasa Kraftangan telah memperolehi kontrak pembekalan HEAD TO TOE walaupun mereka tidak mengeluarkan peralatan-peralatan seperti berikut :
a. Topi Peak Lelaki
b. Bawler Hat Wanita
c. Songkok
d. Baju/seluar Istiadat
e. Baju/seluar Mess Kit
f. Baju/Seluar Bush Jacket
g. Baju/Seluar Kerja
h. Tali pinggang Kulit
i. Stokin
j. Tudung
k. Pelbagai jenis kasut
l. Handbag Wanita
m. Tali leher
n. Aggauletter
o. Serta Lain-lain Jenis Pakaian.

Juga di fahamkan Mariwasa Kraftangan telah menggunakan beberapa syarikat lain bagi mendapatkan keperluan-keperluan ini di mana diantaranya adalah bukan pembuat/pengeluar tetapi adalah hanya orang tengah . Diantara syarikat-syarikat yang digunakan adalah seperti BENA YAKIN ENTERPRISE. Diantara barangan yang diperolehi dari syarikat ini adalah seperti:

a. Topi Peak Lelaki
b. Bawler Hat wanita
c. Songkok
d. Berbagai Jenis Kasut
e. Barangan Sulama
f. Aggaulette

Bena Yakin Enterprise adalah sebuah Perniagaan jenis Enterprise dengan hanya nilai modal RM2.00, tetapi memperolehi tempahan bernilai hampir Sejuta Ringgit. Yang lebih menghairankan ialah Mariwasa Kraftangan , pembuat barangan logam juga diberi kontrak JAHITAN PAKAIAN. Syarikat yang menjahit iaitu MAROZ TAILOR berpusat di Kuala Lumpur adalah bertaraf ‘High Class’.
Bagi Peralatan seperti Kasut dan tali Pinggang Kulit , Kementerian Kewangan “Treasury” menghendaki bekalan diperolehi dengan syarikat yang ada ‘Central Contract’ dan bukannya diberi kepada pembuat barangan logam yang kemudiannya perolehi daripada sebuah lagi Perniagaan Enterprise.

Kini, tiba masanya Perdana Menteri menjelaskan kepada Rakyat Malaysia kenapa Ketua Pesuruhjaya SPRM ingin berundur serta :

a) Apakah Dasar sebenar Kementerian Kewangan mengenai perolehan Rundingan terus

b) Mengapakah kesemua perolehan oleh SPRM atau BPR sebelum ini tidak dibuat secara tender atau Sebutharga?

c) Apakan hubugan Isitimewa Mariwasa Kraftangan dengan Ketua Pesuruhjaya MACC /BPR

d) Bagaimankan Kementerian boleh meluluskan perolehan Rundingan Terus terutamanya ‘Head to Toe’ kepada satu syarikat .

Saya juga meminta Perdana Menteri agar dekelasifikasikan Perjanjian atau Kontrak-kontrak pembelian segala peralatan melibatkan Ketua Pesuruhjaya SPRM tersebut semasa beliau berada di BPR/SPRM.

Pihak Kerajaan juga tidak seharusnya melindungi Kakitangan Kerajaan terutamanya mereka yang berpangkat Tinggi yang didapati mengugat Integriti Negara. Sudah tiba masa Suruhanjaya Pencegah Rasuah Malaysia diletakkan dibawah pengawasan Parlimen.

Saya juga akan mencadangkan bahawa suatu Jawatankuasa Khas Parlimen ditubuhkan untuk menyiasat tuduhan –tuduhan rasuah/pecah amanah yang melibatkan pegawai-pegawai tertinggi Kerajaan Malaysia.


Ringkasan Laporan Ketua Audit Negara 2010 :

Ringkasan Laporan Ketua Audit Negara 2010 :


RM160.7 JUTA telah diluluskan oleh Kementerian Pelajaran untuk membina 300 makmal komputer yang. Namun, sehingga kini, hanya 2 buah makmal yang siap. Peralatan ICT yang dibekalkan sejak 3 tahun lepas masih belum dapat digunakan dan masih tersimpan akibat makmal yang tidak sempurna.

Kata seorang kawan, beliau teringat sewaktu melakukan kajian yang di Sabah dulu. Rakyat Sabah kata komputer sedia, tapi elektrik tak ada! Aduhai.


Rak akhbar dan majalah : RM 1445
Ubahsuai katil : RM 950
Katil Bujang : RM 700
Kerusi Plastik : RM 761
Meja Kayu kecil : RM 950


55.2% atau 79 buah dari 143 buah Tabika tidak menepati menu dan piawaian makanan yang ditetapkan.Makanan tamat tempoh.Makanan disimpan dalam bilik air dan tempat beracun.


Pembelian alatan yang jauh lebih mahal dari harga tertinggi pasaran.
Laptop dan pencetak dengan RM 11 845 berbanding pasaran RM 3428 : 246% lebih mahal

LCD TV dan DVD Player dengan RM 16 100 berbanding pasaran 2182: 638% lebih mahal.

Radar X-Band dengan RM 47 725 berbanding pasaran RM 8 255 : 478% lebih mahal

Bushnell Binocular dengan RM 56 350 berbanding pasaran RM 2 827 : 1893% lebih mahal

Marine Binocular dengan RM 56 350 berbanding pasaran RM 1 940 : 2 805 % lebih mahal

Walkie-Talkie dengan RM 4 324 berbanding pasaran RM 1561 : 177% lebih mahal

Peralatan tidak mengikuti spesifikasi kontrak :

Enjin bot aluminium : Kontrak enjin 4 stroke RM 11 553, beri enjin 2 stroke RM 6549 : Rugi RM 5396

Peti sejuk : kontrak peti jenis Panasonic RM 1299, beri peti Mitsubishi RM 629 : Rugi RM 670
Dapur : Kontrak dapur Electrolux RM 6955, beri dapur TAIYO RM 2110 : Rugi RM 4855

LCD TV dan DVD Player : Kontrak jenama Toshiba RM 16 100, beri jenama Philips RM 195 : Rugi RM 15 905

GPS : Kontrak jenama SAMYUNG, RM 5080, beri jenama FURONO, RM1055 : Rugi RM 4025

CCTV : Kontrak jenama PARADOX RM5750, beri jenama Belco, RM 640 : Rugi RM 5110

Laptop dan Printer: Kontrak jenama Acer Aspire dan HP CP1518, RM 11 945, beri Acer Travelmate dan Canon Pixma RM 2137 : Rugi RM 9808



October 24, 2011

Mara ditegur beli peralatan pada harga tinggi

Taken from Malaysia Kini

Di sebalik membelanjakan peruntukan RM54 juta untuk menyediakan kursus latihan bagi golongan miskin tegar, Majlis Amanah Rakyat (MARA) membelanjakan wang untuk mendapatkan peralatan tertentu – seratus peratus lebih tinggi berbanding harga pasaran.

NONELaporan Audit 2010, yang dibentangkan di Dewan Rakyat hari ini, menyatakan bahawa dana yang disediakan di bawah program rangsangan ekonomi kedua untuk membantu golongan miskin meningkatkan pendapatan mereka.

Berikut beberapa barang yang dilaporkan dalam laporan berkenaan:

  • Ketuhar berharga RM1,200 berbanding harga pasaran RM419, untuk membuat roti dan pastri bagi kursus di Kelantan
  • Katil Boleh Lipat berharga RM500 berbanding harga pasaran RM100
  • NONEDapur gas dua pembakar pada harga RM200 setiap satu, dan bukannya RM59.90
  • Mesin gunting rambut yang dibekalkan pada harga RM250 setiap satu, dan bukannya RM79
  • Pengisar pada RM140 dan bukannya sebanyak RM60

Katil boleh lipat itu digunakan untuk kursus urutan secara tradisional bagi ibu selepas bersalin dan mesin gunting rambut digunakan untuk kursus menggunting rambut.

NONELaporan tersebut mencatatkan bahawa sebahagian besar pembelian dibuat melalui rundingan terus, tidak melalui tender terbuka – dan tanpa kelulusan daripada Kementerian Kewangan.

Prosedur operasi standard tidak dibentangkan sebelum lembaga pengarah MARA meluluskannya, kata laporan itu.

Laporan itu juga memberi komen bahawa Giatmara perlu menyatakan prosedur operasi standard secara mendalam dan terperinci bagi program yang hendak dijalankan di seluruh negara.

Beli peralatan, bekalan eletrik tiada

Laporan itu turut mencatatkan pembelian beberapa peralatan untuk peserta kursus yang dibuat tanpa mengambil kira keperluan yang betul.

Sebagai contoh, di Kapit, Sarawak, ketuhar dan mesin jahit disediakan tetapi tiada bekalan elektrik di pusat latihan tersebut.

NONELaporan itu juga mencatatkan beberapa peralatan termasuk pengadun dan pengisar yang dibeli di bawah tahap keupayaan sebenar untuk digunakan mengadun kek dan oleh itu, ia tidak boleh digunakan.

Giatmara juga membeli pengisar untuk mencampur makanan ikan dengan spesifikasi yang rendah dan peserta kursus boleh secara mudah mendapat makanan ikan di Perak.

Laporan Audit Negara mencadangkan Giatmata membuat penilaian sesuatu peralatan yang hendak dibeli mengikut kapasiti dan kesesuaian bagi mencapai hasratnya.

August 12, 2011

Taib should pay higher bonuses to staff

The Sarawak government should give its civil servants who earn less than RM1,000 a month at least RM700 as bonuses for the coming Hari Raya.The sum should be more than that given by the Penang government because Sarawak’s revenue is six times more than Penang’s, said Sarawak DAP secretary Chong Chieng Jen

Challenging Chief Minister Taib Mahmud, Chong said: “The state government should give more than what Penang gives.

“Penang gives RM600 as bonus to its civil servants while the federal government is giving RM500.

“Sarawak must give RM700 because Sarawak’s revenue is six times more than that of Penang.

“So far, the state government has not made any announcement whereas the federal government and other states have done so,” he said when commenting on the bonus to be paid to civil servants

Chong added that the Sarawak government should by now be declaring the bonuses.

“The state possesses plenty of natural resources and gifts from God. Such wealth should be shared among the people of Sarawak,” he said.

He also reminded the people that the Taib-led government had recently displayed its generosity when it paid an expatriate chief executive officer RM1.2 million as a bonus.

“I am sure our people deserve better than that,” Chong said.

Read more here http://www.freemalaysiatoday.com/2011/08​/12/taib-should-pay-higher-bonuses-to-st​aff/

December 14, 2010

Missing Malaysia

Filed under: Books — Pengayau @ 4:36 pm
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BN Blunders and Plunders

“The article also contains long,long catalogue of crimes and incompetencies,though just the tip of the iceberg according to its author,including

1.The Bank Bumiputra scandals of the early 1980s (RM3.2 Billion)

2.Maminco’s 1980s attempt to corner the global tin market (RM1.6 Billion)

3.Bank Negara losses on foreign exchange futures in the 1990s (RM30 Billion)

4.Perwaja Steel losses (RM2.56 Billion)

5.Bank Islam scandal (RM700 Million)

6.Wang Ehsan from Terengganu Oil Royalty (RM7.4 Billion)

7.Shoring up of Valuecap Sdn Bhd with public funds (RM10 Billion)

8.Commissions to Perimekar Sdn Bhd and IMT Defence Sdn Bhd on Jet fighter and Submarine deals
(RM910 Million)

9.Unitemised IT equipment purchased for Schools (RM2.21 Billion)

10.Soft loan to PKFZ (RM4.63 Billion)

11.Customs,Immigration and Quarantine complex for cancelled
crooked bridge to Singapore (RM1.3 Billion)

12.Compensation to Gerbang Perdana Sdn Bhd for cancellation of crooked bridge contract (RM300 Million)

13.Two bailouts of Malaysian Airlines (RM7.9 Billion)

14.Bailout of Putra transport system (RM4.5 Billion)

15.Bailout of STAR LRT transport system (RM3.256 Billion)

16.Bailout of Kajian Makanan dan Gunaan Orang Islam (RM8.3 Billion)

17.Compensation paid to highway companies,as announced in 2006 (RM38.5 Billion)

I make that about RM126 Billion so far,or,according to my possibly somewhat suspect arithmetic,arround $4,680 for every man,woman and child in Malaysia.But we barely started yet

The roll of dishonour compiled,goes on to the list dozens more example of blunder or plunder or both,including the RM100 Million renovation of the Parliament building,the estimated RM500 Million per year for National Service Program,the National Astronout Program,the Eye on Malaysia,Le Tour De Langkawi,massive quantities of unused electoral indelible ink and bailouts of the National Sewerage System,Port Dickson Highway and Kuching Prison Project

Also included,though impossible for us innocent bystanders to cost,are the notorious Approval Permits (AP) scandal,the wholesale distribution of tens of millions of shares in Bursa Saham Malaysia under the guise of NEP and alienation of tens of thousands of hectares of commercial lands and forestry commissions to relatives of BN leaders and ministers”

Page 62-64

~Dean John~


Similar to what Barry Wain said in his Malaysian Maverick book.So Vote for BN equals to vote for more and more plunderings and corruptions !!!

Ps:To those who were interested to get a copy of this book,it is available at MPH Bookstore nearby.This is the latest addition to my books collection

September 14, 2010

Another Fatal Blow to Taib!!

Explain your wealth, DAP tells Taib

By Joseph Tawie

KUCHING: DAP has added more pressure on Chief Minister Abdul Taib Mahmud to respond to allegations that his family owned prime pieces of real estate overseas that together are worth billions of ringgit.

DAP secretary Chong Chieng Jen, speaking at a press conference here, noted that Taib had not bothered to either confirm or deny reports on the Internet in the last few months that indicated that he and his family were extraordinarily rich.

Many of the allegations originate from the website Sarawak Report

According to the site, the Taibs own properties in Canada, the United States, Britain and Australia.

It said that in Canada, the family’s Sakto Development Corporation owned the twin glass towers and a swanky shopping complex at Preston Square and a multi-story residential building in downtown Ottawa.

On top of that, said Chong, the private residence of Taib’s daughter in Ottawa was rated the second most expensive house in the area, worth about 10 million Canadian Dollars.

He gave these other details: that the family owned an estimated US$80,000,000 worth of office blocks in Seattle and San Francisco, a few blocks of commercial and luxury flats in central London, and the Hilton Hotel in Adelaide.

Chong, who is also the MP for Bandar Kuching, said: “All these reports about Taib’s family owning hundreds of millions or even billions of ringgit’s worth of properties have been circulating in the internet for quite some time, in fact since the Sibu by-election in May 2010. Yet Taib has kept mum.

“As the Chief Minister of Sarawak for the last 30 years, Taib is accountable to the people of Sarawak to clarify the matter,” he said.

Chong posed the following five questions for Taib to answer:

  1. Are the reports on Sarawak Report true?
  2. What is the salary of the Chief Minister of Sarawak? How could Taib’s children have had such huge amounts of money to buy overseas properties?
  3. Other than the properties reported on the Sarawak Report website, are there any other properties owned by Taib’s family members or their companies? How much are those properties worth?
  4. Why is Taib’s family so rich and yet, the state of Sarawak is the fourth least developed state in Malaysia?
  5. If the reports were untrue, what action will Taib take against the makers of the reports?

“It is time for Taib to provide the answers to the above questions because all Sarawakians are interested and have a right to know the answers,” he said.

September 13, 2010

RM 78 million from Sarawak’s Sewers – Taibs’ Shitload of profit!

It has emerged that Abdul Taib Mahmud and his family have conducted a massive raid on the public funding for Kuching’s new sewerage system.

Figures show that out of a total 530 million ringgit handed out from taxpayers’ money to pay for the project, a staggering 78 million ringgit has been siphoned off by the Taib family and a crony company called Nishimatsu Construction (Nishimatsu’s parent company is currently being prosecuted in Japan in connection with a massive bribery and corruption scandal).

The theft is just the latest example of  the so-called ’skimming’ of publicly funded projects by using bogus sub-contracts, which has become a standard form of abuse in Sarawak under Taib.  Critics have condemned it as the crudest possible form of corruption.

”Even a child could understand what is going on”, complained one outraged opposition figure last week, “the only reason Taib gets away with it is because he would sack any newspaper editor who dared to print what is going on.  If the people knew the extent of it, the billions he has stolen in this way, they would be marching in fury!”.

Skimming using bogus sub-contracting is now standard practice in Sarawak

The method of theft is indeed astonishingly simple and the Chief Minister, Abdul Taib Mahmud, has made it common practice during his thirty years rule over the State of Sarawak.  First he abuses his position of power by placing a project in the hands of a company run by an unqualified member of his own family or a friend.  Then the crony sub-contracts the project to another company that is capable of doing the job, but for far less than the original amount.  This way the Taibs pocket the difference.

‘Businesswoman’ – Raziah Mahmud

In the case of the Kuching Sewerage System, therefore, it came as little surprise to insiders when it was announced on 30th September 2008that the Chief Minister had awarded the 530 million ringgit contract to a consortium of three companies that included Kumpulan Construction, which is run by his sister, Raziah Mahmud. She and Taib’s brother Onn own 87.5% of the shares in the company.

So what does Raziah Mahmud know about building a public sewerage system?

Kumpulan construction reportedly has no construction equipment and Raziah Mahmud is not qualified to build a modern sewerage system.  In fact, her meteoric ‘business career’ developed shortly after Taib Mahmud became Chief Minister, when numerous public contracts started coming the way of companies suddenly started up by herself and other Taib family members.

Onlookers point out that Raziah Mahmud has only developed one area of evident expertise, which is her ability to rapidly sub-contract projects which have been handed to her by her brother.  Thus, on 21st October 2008, less than a month after the original government contract was awarded to the consortium of Kumpulan Construction, Nishimatsu Construction and Hock Seng Lee Bhd (HSL) it was further announced by HSL that the project had now been sub-contracted to them alone, but at the much reduced sum of 452 Million Ringgit.  This leaves 78 million ringgit unaccounted for in the hands of the other two companies, Kumpulan and Nishimatsu.

Unsavoury business partner?

Ichiro Ozawa – Japanese opposition leader forced to resign over Nishimatsu funding scandal. Who next?

Sarawak Report would therefore like to know how the missing 78 million ringgit was divided between Raziah Mahmud and the Japanese-owned Nishimatsu Construction Co?

Nishimatsu Construction hit the headlines last year when the Japanese authorities arrested its Chairman for operating a I billion Yen slush fund, which he admitted he had used to make bribes to gain foreign contracts and to make illegal political donations.  The scandal forced the resignation of the Japanese opposition leader Ichiro Ozawa.

Therefore, it is only fair to demand a clear explanation of the relationship between Nishimatsu and the Taib family and to ask what work could have been carried out by Kumpulan/Nishamatsu during this three week period that could have merited a payment of what is around US $25 million?

If such enquiries have brought a top political resignation in Japan, what might a proper investigation produce in Sarawak?Read more here

August 1, 2010

Same shit different day


Taken from The Malaysian Insider

KUALA LUMPUR, July 31 — Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) chief commissioner Datuk Seri Abu Kassim Mohamed today intends to push the Najib administration members to declare their assets publicly.The Cabinet members now declare their assets to Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak annually but it is not made public.

“Declaration of assets is very, very important,” Abu Kassim said at the 15th Malaysian Law Conference at the KL Convention Centre here.

The nation’s top graft fighter was responding to a suggestion from former Bar Council president Datuk Ambiga Sreenevasan that the assets of politicians — particularly those in the Cabinet — and the judiciary be made publicly available for the sake of transparency.

“I agree with you… Everybody — for example, the minister or the judiciary — has to declare,” he told Ambiga.

Following the thumping Barisan Nasional (BN) took in the March 2008 general election, then-Prime Minister Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi had directed Cabinet members to declare their assets in a bid to appease a public that was increasingly sceptical of BN’s capacity for reform.

Ministers, as well as deputy ministers, were required to fill in asset declaration forms with the MACC’s predecessor, the Anti-Corruption Agency (ACA), with the intention of making the information available online for public scrutiny.

However, Abdullah backed down from this plan after facing stiff opposition from ministers, who felt that it would be an invasion of privacy for the public to know their financial worth.

Abu Kassim earlier assured Ambiga that he was willing to investigate cases involving Cabinet members impartially without any regard to their political affiliation.

“I can assure you, if there is a case… against any Cabinet member and we didn’t investigate, I’m willing to go down,” he declared, by way of assurance.

He added that he was, in fact, already investigating Cabinet members for alleged corrupt practices but stopped short of elaborating.

MACC has come under sustained fire after its January 2008 start for what detractors claim is a poor record of prosecution and ineffective fight against corruption.Read more here

Pengayau comment

Im getting sick and tired of all this Rhetorics and Polemics.There is no need for me to keep on repeating the same comment and statement  for over and over again.I let it to the readers to decide.If MACC failed to get their job done,well,just wait for the Rakyat to take  some “Serious Action” in the next General Election.Brace,brace,brace for the IMPACT!!!!

July 30, 2010

Pakatan Rakyat challenged,but BN denied.After 4 years,same facts used to charge!Scorpene,Altantuya,Eurocopter?Oh ya,Taib?


Taken from Malaysia Kini

PKFZ: Ling hadapi tuduhan tipu kerajaan M’sia

Bekas menteri pengangkutan, Tun Dr Ling Liong Sik hari ini didakwa di Mahkamah Sesyen Putrajaya atas tuduhan menipu kerajaan Malaysia dengan memperdaya Jemaah Menteri berhubung pembelian tanah untuk projek ”Mega Distribution Hub” di Pelabuhan Klang.




Ling, 67, juga adalah bekas presiden MCA.

Beliau tiba di mahkamah pada jam 4.45 petang dengan ditemani isterinya, Toh Puan Ena Ling serta dua anak lelakinya.Ling kemudian mengambil tempatnya di kandang tertuduh.Beliau adalah presiden MCA yang kedua dihadapkan ke mahkamah selepas Tan Koon Swan.

Ling didakwa menipu kerajaan sekitar 25 September 2002 dan 6 November 2002 dengan memperdayakan jemaah menteri untuk memberikan persetujuan pembelian tanah di Pulau Indah untuk projek Mega Distribution Hub di Pelabuhan Kelang.

Dia juga didakwa dengan curang menyembunyikan fakta berhubung penilaian Jabatan Penilaian dan Perkhidmatan Harta, Kementerian Kewangan ke atas tanah seluas 43,538,200 kaki persegi yang dicadangkannya. 



Ling yang memegang jawatan Menteri Pengangkutan selama 14 tahun dari Januari 1986 hingga Mei 2000, didakwa atas satu pertuduhan utama mengikut Seksyen 418 Kanun Keseksaan dan satu pertuduhan pilihan mengikut Seksyen 417 kanun yang sama.

 Seksyen 418 Kanun Keseksaan yang membawa hukuman penjara sehingga tujuh tahun atau denda atau kedua-duanya sekali jika sabit kesalahan.

 Manakala pertuduhan alternatif mengikut Seksyen 417, Kanun Keseksaan, yang membawa hukuman lebih ringan iaitu penjara sehingga lima tahun atau denda atau kedua-duanya sekali.

 Beliau bagaimanapun mengaku tidak bersalah dan membayar ikat jamin RM1 juta dengan seorang penjamin.Read more here 

Pengayau comment

Reform” during Dollah Badawi Era,Tan Sri Kasitah Gadam,former Land Co-Operative Development Minister of Sabah,charged for cheating and corruption=ACQUITED!!

Tan Sri Eric Chia,former Managing Director of Perwaja Steel and a well known crony of Mahathir charged for Criminal Breach of Trust involving RM74.4 Million=ACQUITED!!!!

“Reform” during Najib Copperfield Era,Linggam Video Clip(Correct3x),Royal Commission has been set up to prove the Authenticity of the Video.It has been proven authentic by the Panel.Apa jadi lepas tue?No further action and no prosecution from Attorney General office.Alasan? “It is morally wrong but legally right”

PKFZ Scandal,RM12.5 Billion PKFZ debacle.Ling Liong Sik has been charged and release on bail of RM1 Million.Apa jadi lepas nie??Well,let us just WAIT and SEE the Drama!!

Scorpene Submarine?Atlantuya?Taib foreign properties?

Read also Pakatan ‘unconvinced’ by charges against Ling

July 26, 2010

Taib’s Top Gig


Taken from Sarawak Report

 The Said Business School, Oxford University


Taib’s Big Moment

 As the news about Taib’s top gig in the UK started to break in the astonished host city of Oxford last week, anyone who was anyone in Sarawak was piling into planes (who paid?) to come and applaud the great moment.  If you were not invited on Taib’s big trip, then consider yourself out of the picture as far as he is concerned.

 For tickets costing £1,000 a head, according to a forest group who enquired, the audience will be entertained with an opening speech by Abdul Taib Mahmud at the University’s Said Business School’s ‘Inaugural Global Islamic Branding and Marketing Forum’ on Monday 26th July.  That’s the top slot, courtesy of the University of Oxford.

 Champions of  justice, freedom, democracy, open government, the environment and indigenous rights, all the great causes espoused by this proud university for hundreds of years, will be left to express their indignation outside. No wonder that the Said Business School is no stranger to controversy!


 In order to find out why the school has decided to invite and indeed honour such a notorious individual, Sarawak Report delegated a journalist to make enquiries.   The answer would appear to be not unrelated to the hefty sponsorship of the event by the Tanjun Manis Food & Industrial Park, based of course in Sarawak.  Tanjun Manis began life as the ‘brainchild’ of Taib Mahmud back in the 1980s as a massive timber processing plant under the State-owned Sarawak Timber Industry Development Corporation (STIDC).  This was where the millions of logs pouring out of Sarawak could be sawn up and processed and then transported to the specially-built deep sea port for loading onto  Japanese ships.  Those ships were the ones that the Japanese Tax authorities exposed just two years back as having paid millions and millions of ringgit in kickbacks (bribes) to companies controlled by Onn Mahmud, Taib’s little brother, who has numerous business tie-ups with Taib (see previous reports on this site).

Tanjun Manis – Thousands of Hectares of ‘Pristine Land’ have been made availble for ‘Green Development’ Unfortunately for everyone, even Taib, the wood has now run out.  If Sarawak had been sustainably logged and the forests had been less greedily managed there would have course been a valuable timber trade to benefit Sarawak for future generations. So much for Taib’s self-promotion as ‘A Great CEO’.  Grab and run does not add up to great company management.  Needless to say, the Sarawak Stakeholders, the people of the country whose land the Taib’s have logged, have received very poor dividends indeed!  They have been left destitute with floods and droughts to contend with and no amenities, meagre food and rotten roads (no chance of a view of any of the Boy Racer’s Bugatti and Ferrari collection in Central Sarawak any time soon).

 So Taib’s new big idea has been to diversify from being the world’s biggest timber exporter into the world’s biggest Halal Products Hub and he has taken himself off to Oxford University to promote it.  Tanjun Manis is also laughably entitling itself as ‘Green Development’, while promoting its deep sea port as an excellent location for expanding deep sea fishery of the region’s collapsing marine life. 

Norah – keep it in the family However, as long as there is money in it the long-suffering Sarawakians will know that the Taibs will be interested.  So interested in fact that in keeping with all business ventures in Sarawak, one of the Chief Minister’s closest relatives is in charge.  First cousin Norah Binti Abdul Rahman was appointed as the Chief Executive last year, after the end of the decades-long family feud between Taib and his displaced uncle.  Norah is now being touted as the lastest prospect for Taib’s successor.  At least she is family. Perhaps no surprise that she is also the MP for Tanjun Manis as well.  In Sarawak the Taibs always like to make sure that politics and business overlap in this deeply questionable fashion.

 Oxford’s Embarrassment


July 12, 2010

Growing Scandal – The London Connection!

Taken from SarawakReport.Org

Exclusive – The Taibs Own Ridgeford Properties Limited, London

Tokenhouse Yard – Prestige Heritage Building (Next to the Bank of England)

Racehorses, residences in swanky Fitzrovia and offices bang next door to the Bank of England. Yes, the Taibs are in London too.  In this latest exclusive investigation, Sarawak Report can reveal the full details of Ridgeford Properties Limited, a multi-million pound property company in the UK, once again owned and funded by the family of Chief Minister, Abdul Taib Mahmud.

The London base of the Taib family’s international property portfolio was started in October 1996 under a Canadian, Chistopher Murray. Christopher Murray is the cousin of Sean Murray who is married to Jamilah Taib, the Chief Minister’s daughter and a key lynch-pin for his foreign property empire. Sean Murray acts as Chairman of Ridgeford, while Christopher has been appointed the London-based

Flagship Development off Oxford Street

Managing Director. Sean Murray is also President of Sakto Corporation in Canada and Sakti International in the USA, as well as a Director of Sitehost Pty in Australia. These are all major property companies of which his wife and her family (the Taibs) are the owners and shareholders

Again, whilst an impression has been given that Ridgeford Properties is part of a wider business started and owned by the Murray family, Sarawak report has established that it in fact relies on millions of pounds worth of soft loans from a private investor based in the British Virgin Islands. This investor has clear links to the Taib family fortune and to the public Sarawak-based company, which they largly own, CMS (Cahya Mata Sarawak).  Many questions have been raised as to the legitimacy of the Taib family’s ownership of CMS, which was once Sarawak’s largest state company, but was then ‘privatised’ by the Chief Minister into the hands of his own close family.

Central London Portfolio

Scores of Stylish Flats for Sale


Boy Racer for Chief Minister?

Bugatti buy-out plan

Sulaiman Abdul Rahman Taib wanted to buy out Bugatti, manufacturers of the world’s most expensive cars, to add to the family’s ‘hundred  businesses’, according to one of his close college friends.  However, his Dad, Abdul Taib Mahmud, described as ‘Malaysian Monarchy’ by Rahman’s pal, was less enthusiastic. The Chief Minister, who clearly controls the family purse strings, vetoed the plan.  It had taken Rahman a week to get an audience with his Dad in order to discuss the idea.

The disclosures about Rahman Taib (as he was known in the US) come in an on-line article for the Bugatti Review by Kevin C Limjoco, who was a college friend of Rahman’s in San Francisco and a member of his fast set in the States.  Taib’s younger son clearly acted the part of a multi-millionaire playboy during his period in San Francisco, according to this and other reports, and was a notorious fast car fanatic.  Conversely, business associates say he failed to show any business acumen when put in charge of the secretive Taib property company in the US, Sakti International.

A playboy with violent passions

The article in the on-line ‘Bugatti Review’ gives a telling insight into how the Taib family are regarded by onlookers abroad, namely as jett-setting multi-millionaires akin to Arab Princes or Sultans of Brunei.  On one occasion, it is known that in a fit of passion young Rahman even smashed up one of his classic cars, a million dollar Bugatti, with a fire extinguisher.  However, his father clearly forgave the incident as he subsequently recalled his son to Sarawak, where he inherited his father’s seat in the Federal Parliament and was recently appointed Deputy Tourism Minister, a job he has now mysteriously abandoned.

Worryingly, there seems no recognition in Taib circles abroad that in fact the Chief Minister of Sarawak is merely a salaried employee of the State, on a modest income and subject to regular elections to office.  The concept of the Chief Minister as a ‘Godfather’ figure behind a hundred businesses is even more disturbing, not least because it is undoubtedly true.

As the political figure in charge of governing Sarawak, Abdul Taib Mahmud has no right to be involved in business ventures, primarily because this would clash with his official duties and create conflicts of interest.  It is for this reason that Taib has always maintained the facade of a family active in business.  Now that we know that he is indeed in control of the money and keeps his family at his beck and call, he should openly declare his activities and publicise all his interests immediately.

A suitable successor?

Despite his playboy record, youthful Sulaiman Abdul Rahman Taib has often been touted as a likely successor to his ailing and aged father.  Thus, while Taib Mahmud has started to visibly crumble in the face of recent political failures and exposure for political corruption, the Taib political circles are clearly looking at immediate family to succeed, as if Sarawak were indeed a Monarchy to be passed from father to son, rather than a democratic state of Malaysia, which is its official status.  It is this attitude that is likely to turn a normal political handover into a succession crisis for Sarawak.

Read the full article by Kevin C Limjoco (a truly compelling read for Bugatti-lovers and residents of Sarawak) below:

Kevin C. Limjoco

IT ALL BEGAN AT A POSH ITALIAN CLOTHING boutique in Tiburon, Marin County, California. I was not shopping, but my friend was. He leaned over to me as we were browsing and asked: “have you ever heard of a Bugatti EB110, lah?” my eyes lit up and immediately said, “yes, of course, the car is awesome but aren’t they nearly impossible to find?” He simply smiled. It was the summer of 1994; my friend and I were juniors majoring in business at the University of San Francisco. His name is Datuk Sulaiman Rahman Taib.

He is part of the Malaysian Monarchy, his father was and still is the Chief Minister of Sarawak, and his family owns over 100 companies, ranging from Sarawak Securities to logging, hence, the reason he refers to me as “lah” or buddy.

He was the first person I knew that had personally owned a vast number of ultra exotic automobiles. People who did not know Rahman were perplexed and ultimately intimidated by him. He seemingly had a new car every couple of weeks, and had a dedicated car shop and storage facility, (Conversion Techniques owned by John Siao,) that catered to his every whim. He had everything from an old K-type Mercedes Benz worth over a million dollars, an SL Gullwing, Ferrari 355 spider, Rolls Royce Corniche, Maserati Kamsin, to a “regular” S500 Mercedes. He had so many cars that he would routinely send them off to his home in Sarawak to clear his garage of the clutter. Therefore, when he asked me whether I knew what a Bugatti EB 110 was, my palms started to moisten because I knew that Rahman takes his “hobby” very seriously. He has “agents” scour the globe looking for cars that he desires [MORE] ………

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