"Mangkang Menua,Mangkang Dunya,Ngetan Ke Bansa!!"

December 30, 2010

Norah Tun Rahman,the future Chief Minister of Sarawak?


This is your future Chief Minister

Stolen from Antu Beduru

We have received new information which supports our recent exposé about the top secret succession plan hatched by Dato’ Seri Najib Tun Razak and Pehin Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud. As reported, our source had revealed that Putrajaya wants Taib to step down and hand the reins of power to an Iban Chief Minister to placate the Ibans by January 2011.

This Iban Chief Minister, Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri Alfred Jabu anak Numpang, will only be an interim care-taker. He will hand over to Taib’s cousin, Datuk Seri Dr. Mohd. Effendi Norwawi, as soon as BN has won a landslide victory thanks to the Ibans who support an Iban Chief Minister.

The latest news our source has revealed is that Effendi will also be an interim caretaker! The real successor to Taib will be none other than his own first cousin, Datuk Norah Abdul Rahman, currently the MP for Tanjong Manis. Taib’s mother and Norah’s father, the previous Governor and Chief Minister Tun Abdul Rahman Yakub, are siblings. Although the rumour that Norah was the heir-apparent was reported several months ago, our source has verified that this is now not a mere rumour but a very real fact.

The plan is for Effendi to warm the Chief Minister’s seat for a few years while Norah fast-tracks her way up the party hierarchy in PBB. When the time is right, Effendi will resign his DUN seat and a by-election will be called with Norah standing. She will then be crowned the first woman Chief Minister of Sarawak and the first ever woman state leader of Malaysia.

The only stumbling block to Norah will be Datuk Amar Abang Abdul Rahman Zohari Tun Abang Hj. Openg, better known to us as Abang Jo. Enter the Malay faction in PBB. Our source has also revealed that Putrajaya is in favour of Abang Jo as a replacement to Taib, and it is an open secret that Abang Jo has support in high places in Putrajaya. Rumours are rife that within PBB a bitter power struggle is being fought in the corridors of power behind closed-doors. The daggers are drawn and Taib is said to be fearing even his own shadow and everyone is a suspect as far as he is concerned. The united facade PBB is desperately displaying to the public is fast beginning to crumble.

Back to Taib’s succession plan. With Norah in place, Taib will be fully protected and Putrajaya will keep to their gentleman’s agreement not to meddle in Sarawak’s affairs, and the status quo will be maintained.



The future Chief Minister of Sarawak.

Sarawak’s dynastic First Family

However, this highly secret succession plan can only succeed if the Iban continue to vote BN and support the Iban Chief Minister-in-waiting, Jabu, which is very likely if SNAP leaves Pakatan Rakyat and splits the Iban vote. The key to the Chief Minister’s Office now lies in the hands of the Iban, the majority bloc of votes in Sarawak. Will the Iban play into the cunning hands of Taib again and be easily bought by the idea of an Iban Chief Minister, some pocket money, MRPs, a few rounds of Oranjeboom and a dish of grilled pork?Read also Iban Translation

December 25, 2010

This goes out to both BN and Pakatan Rakyat!!


Menangkis serangan musuh politik

Taken from Sarawak Update

Dr. Jeniri Amir

KUCHING – If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle. – Sun Tzu

Adakah Barisan Nasional (BN) mengetahui kelemahan dan kekuatannya? Adakah BN mengetahui kekuatan dan kelemahan Pakatan Rakyat? Yang lebih penting, adakah BN tahu akan strategi musuhnya? Dan, bagaimana dengan strateginya sendiri? Adakah cukup ampuh untuk menangkis serangan musuh politiknya?

Adakah BN akan bertahan ketika Pakatan Rakyat menyerangnya menjelang pilihan raya negeri akan datang? Begitu hebatkah peluru yang bakal digunakan PR untuk menyerang BN? Tidak mungkinkah BN menyerang PKdengan strategi kempen yang ampuh? Bagi memastikan kemenangan berpihak kepadanya, segala pemikir dan think-tank BN perlu belajar daripada strategi perang Sun Tzu.

Penasihat Khas di Pejabat Ketua Menteri Tan Sri Adenan Satem dipetik sebagai berkata bahawa jentera BN perlu sentiasa bersiap sedia menghadapi kempen parti pembangkang dan berani menangkis dakyah mereka dalam pilihan raya akan datang. Beliau, yang juga ketua penerangan Parti Pesaka Bumiputera Bersatu (PBB), berkata jentera BN tidak boleh bersikap sambil lewa sebaliknya bekerja keras untuk memastikan kemenangan BN pada pilihan raya akan datang.

“Jentera parti harus mendekati masyarakat dengan menyalurkan maklumat yang tepat dan sahih kepada masyarakat tentang isu agar dapat dijawab dan diperjelaskan…Barulah kita dapat memenangi hati rakyat,” katanya pada majlis perjumpaan dengan jentera PBB kawasan dewan undangan negeri Tanjong Datu 12 Disember lalu.

Hakikatnya, pilihan raya ke-10, dijangka April depan, tidak lagi sama seperti pilihan raya-pilihan raya lalu, setidak-tidaknya dari segi tahap kesedaran pengundi dan rakyat tentang apa-apa yang berlaku dan berkembang dalam masyarakat. Mereka tahu apa yang dilakukan dan tidak dilakukan oleh pemimpin negeri. Mereka tahu banyak perkara tentang siapa yang mendapat apa dan bagaimana mereka mendapatkannya.

Jadi jangan perlekeh keupayaan dan pengetahuan pengundi dan rakyat. Jangan minta mereka bersyukur dengan ‘pembangunan’yang dibawa oleh kerajaan BN. Juga, jangan beritahu mereka bahawa hanya BN sahaja yang dapat memerintah, manakala pembangkang tidak akan dapat berbuat apa-apa dan hanya akan memecahkan perpaduan dan sebagainya. Hujah sedemikian bagi kebanyakan rakyat ialah hujah basi dan tidak lagi relevan. Bagi mereka hujah demikian mungkin sesuai digunakan untuk membujuk nenek berusia 80 tahun di kampung di pedalaman. Malangnya, sebahagian pemimpin politik masih lagi berfikir dengan menggunakan kerangka pemikiran lama, dan mengharapkan rakyat hanya menelan bulat-bulat apa-apa yang dinyatakan. Tentu sesuatu yang malang jika mereka berpendapat rakyat ialah robot yang tidak mempunyai otak.

BN perlu turun ke gelanggang dengan persiapan rapi dan lengkap. Gunakan strategi dan pendekatan lebih segar dan efektif. Saya masih percaya bahawa pendekatan terbaik adalah untuk menyelami hati rakyat dan berbaik-baik dengan mereka. Mereka tidak seharusnya diserang, dikritik dan disumpah seranah. Apalagi mengecap mereka sebagai tidak mengenang budi, pengkhianat, dan tidak pandai bersyukur. Jangan fikir hanya pemimpin politik sahaja yang mementingkan masa depan negeri ini.

Hakikatnya, rakyat juga mahu melihat negeri ini terus maju. Rakyat mahu sebuah kerajaan yang komited mentadbir dan mengurus negeri ini dengan penuh akauntabiliti dan ketelusan — bersih daripada segala penyelewengan dan salah guna kuasa. Rakyat wajar menegur, malah jika perlu mengkritik pemimpin politik yang melupai prinsip-prinsip kepemimpinan dan demokrasi tulen. Sebab, yang menjulang mereka ke puncak kuasa ialah rakyat.

Sejauh manakah kepemimpinan sekarang mengamalkan tadbir urus yang baik? Sejauh manakah pemimpin politik kita bersih daripada segala amalan rasuah dan salah guna kuasa? Untuk menjawabnya, tanya sahaja bagaimana persepsi rakyat terhadap mereka. Jangan katakan itu hanya persepsi, kerana hakikatnya, persepsi begitu penting dalam politik. Kadangkala persepsi lebih benar daripada realiti. Bagaimana pendapat umum tentang pemimpin dan parti yang bertandinglah yang menentukan sama ada calon atau parti berkenaan menang atau kalah dalam pilihan raya.

Kini, bukan sahaja golongan muda di bandar sudah mempunyai akses kepada maklumat yang dahulunya mungkin tersimpan kukuh di dalam fail di pejabat kerajaan. Golongan tua pun sudah tahu apa yang berlaku di negeri ini. Banyak maklumat begitu mudah tersebar. Jika tidak percaya, telitikan pelbagai sumber maklumat, blog dan portal berita di alam maya, termasuk Radio Free Sarawak dan Sarawak Report? Itu merupakan suara akar umbi yang perlu difahami betul-betul oleh pemimpin elit BN. Mereka tidak boleh lari daripada realiti. Bagaimanakah pemimpin BN dapat menangkis, dengan hujah yang meyakinkan dan masuk akal segala dakwaan dalam Sarawak Report dan radio alternatif berkenaan? Memadaikah dengan sekadar mengatakan bahawa semua itu adalah fitnah dan tuduhan tanpa asas?

Dalam keadaan sekarang, berdasarkan kajian di alam maya dan kempen yang digunakan dalam pilihan raya sebelum ini, ternyata bahawa pihak pembangkang memiliki kelebihan dari segi strategi, pendekatan dan teknik kempen. Kempen mereka adalah berteraskan penyelidikan dengan menggunakan teknik yang lebih berkesan. Jika tidak percaya, imbas balik sahaja apa yang berlaku dalam pilihan raya kecil di Sibu tempoh hari. Sejauh manakah BN memanfaatkan teknologi maklumat untuk menyebarkan dan menangkis hujah dan wacana lawan dengan hujah dan wacana tandingan yang lebih meyakinkan? Adakah portal PBB, SUPP, PRS, SPDP sentiasa dikemas kini? Bandingkannya dengan portal DAP. Dari situ kita akan tahu siapa yang lebih hebat. Adakah BN menggunakan FaceBook, YouTube atau portal berita dan blog yang memihak kepadanya dengan sebaik mungkin untuk menangkis hujah lawan?

Perang politik dalam pilihan raya akan datang bukan hanya berlaku di pentas politik dan di ruai rumah panjang, tetapi juga di alam maya. Perang di alam maya ialah perang menguasai, menakluki dan menunduk minda pengundi. Siapa yang berjaya menakluki minda pengundi, pihak itulah yang akan memenangi pilihan raya kerana asasnya pilihan raya ialah membuat keputusan berdasarkan keyakinan dan kepercayaan terhadap pihak yang bertanding. Jika calon atau parti yang bertanding tidak diyakini atau dipersepsi mengutamakan diri dan keluarga, ini tentu memberi kesan kepada corak pengundian.

Persoalannya, mampukah BN menangkis serangan musuh politiknya? Jawapannnya tentu lebih jelas menjelang pilihan raya April nanti.

*Penulis ialah penganalisis politik dan penulis prolifik.

December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!

Filed under: Seasons Greetings — Pengayau @ 11:03 pm


And there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby,
keeping watch of their flocks at night.
An angel of the Lord appeared to them,
and the glory of the Lord shone around them,
and they were terrified.
But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid.
I bring you good news of great joy that will for all the people.
Today in the town of David
a Savior has been born to you;
he is Christ the Lord.

~ Luke 2:8-11 ~

I would like to wish all Mangkang Menua,Mangkang Dunya,Ngetan Ke Bansa Blogs readers a verry Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!

Let us remember that the Christmas heart is a giving heart, a wide open heart that thinks of others first.The birth of the baby Jesus stands as the most significant event in all history, because it has meant the pouring into a sick world of the healing medicine of love which has transformed all manner of hearts for almost two thousand years.Underneath all the bulging bundles is this beating Christmas heart.

Bloggers2/Cybertroopers PBB/BN saling bercakaran?

Filed under: Uncategorized — Pengayau @ 3:26 am

Sila baca petikan-petikan di bawah dengan teliti dan hayati lah,kegilaan dan kerakusan kuasa yang melampau-lampau di kalangan Pemuda PBB sehingga sanggup saling bercakaran sesama sendiri.Memetik kata daripada seorang rakan yang juga Penyokong Tegar PBB Barisan Nasional:

“PBB ya macam Time Bomb ajak kinek tok,nunggu masa ajak maok meletup,tapi semua Pemimpin dalam PBB pandey napok,pandey kelaie secara profesional,ya lah,at least sik nampak gilak di mata rakyat sidak nya berebut kuasa sama dirik bah.Nasib  bait Pehin Sri masih kuat,mun sik,bagai retak menanti belah ajak lah.Banyak sidak “Pemimpin-pemimpin” dalam PBB nunggu masa jak menaiki tahta.Udah ada macam mazhab2 dalam PBB knek tok,sebab ya lah Pehin Sri sik dapat melepas Jawatan Ketua Menteri dengan Presiden camya ajak”

Di petik daripada The Unspinners

Maaf kacau Tan Sri honeymoon tapi ini mustahak didedah

Monday, December 20, 2010

Taib Mahmud baru bernikah dengan seorang wanita Lubnan:
KUCHING: Ketua Menteri Sarawak, Tan Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud, dikatakan telah mengahwini seorang wanita Lubnan berusia lingkungan 30-an.Beliau dilapor akan mengadakan majlis resepsi perkahwinan selepas majlis akad nikah yang disempurnakan Mufti Sarawak, Kipli Yassin, secara tertutup di sini hari ini.”Kita kena tunggu. Biar Ketua Menteri buat pengumuman rasmi,” kata Setiausaha Akhbarnya, Amin Sahmat, ketika dihubungi BERNAMA.Khabar angin mengenai status perkahwinan Taib tersebar luas setelah isteri beliau, Puan Sri Laila Taib, yang berketurunan Poland, meninggal dunia akibat barah April tahun lalu selepas 50 tahun mendirikan rumah tangga.Pasangan itu dikurniakan empat anak dan 15 cucu. – BERNAMA 

Tahniah Tan Sri. Muga sentiasa bahagia.

Kami mintak maaf terpaksa mengacau Tan Sri ketika bulan madu ini tetapi demi Barisan Nasional, kami terpaksa dedahkan satu usaha sabotaj terhadap parti sendiri.

 Kami pernah buat pendedahan mengenai blog Sebana-Ku yang konon neutral dan menegur kedua-dua pihak sambil melaungkan slogan SAVE SARAWAK FROM MALAYANS, tapi sebenarnya adalah blog-blog beberapa pemimpin muda PBB.

Kami dapat spot kerana kami sedar mereka begitu pertahankan Tan Sri. Ini anih untuk blog yang mirip pembangkang.

Dalam pendedahan kami, telah didedahkan sebagai dilakukan oleh UMB PBB. Ini telah menarik penafian dari Apai Ngelai. Penafian itu benar dan kesilapan itu memang disengajakan. Semasa itu tujuan kami hanya untuk menakut-nakutkan Sebanaku.

Oleh kerana mereka masih lagi berbuat demikian dan bertambah sudah berlarutan dan melampau2, maka kami tidak boleh lagi menyimpan rahsia tetapi mahu dedahkan habis sebelum ia memakan parti PBB dan BN Sarawak dari dalam.

Perkara ini pun diketahui pihak pembangkang dan ia telah dieksploitasi untuk memberi bayangan seolah-olah ada permusuhan dalam PBB. Baca komentar di blog Rajahmas sini. Sebenarnya tidak. Hanya kumpulan tertentu saja.


December 23, 2010

Taib Mahmud bloody wealth!!

Filed under: Taib Must Go — Pengayau @ 4:53 am

ATM (Abdul Taib Mahmud) telah memegang kuasa selama 30 tahun di Sarawak, dan hasil daripada itu, Sarawak menjadi negeri yang paling miskin sedangkan dia sendiri telah menjadi orang yang paling kaya di Malaysia. Video ini akan membongkarkan muslihat Taib, yang memperalatkan rakyat Sarawak dan merampas harta negeri Sarawak selama ini untuk kepentingannya sendiri!!!

Below is the video clip being taken during the first demolishment of their longhouse way back in 1997

Perobohan Rumah Panjang Nyawin Bintulu, Sarawak

This is the 2nd time their longhouse being demolished by the State Government

Heartless, Cruel Demolition of Iban Settlement at Sekabai, Bintulu


PLEASE READ Tr Nor Ak Nyawai and nembiak(Sg Sekabai,Sebauh,Bintulu)

Jeffrey’s personal wealth estimated around RM1 billion ringgit.

Taken from Antu Beduru

Page 240 (click to enlarge)

Taken from an unpublished doctoral dissertation by David Walter Brown, Why Governments Fail to Capture Economic Rent: The Unofficial Appropriation of Rain Forest Rent by Rulers in Insular Southeast Asia Between 1970 and 1999.

Click to view: http://english.cpiasia.net/index.php?option=com_content&view=frontpage

The allegations are on pages 235-248.

Jimat jimat kitak SNAP neh?

Read also UBF = United Beli’ Followers?

If you haven’t read this article, Jeffrey’s secret Miri meeting triggers rumours, read it first so that you can better understand the context of this posting. 

If you haven’t heard of the UBF or United Borneo Front, then read this article, Jeffrey wants to put deprived Borneo on world stage.

A Sabahan is now speaking on behalf of us Sarawakians without our consent, and apparently Jeffrey wants Sabah, S’wak ‘longhouses’ back.

Who is this Dr Jeffrey Kitingan?

“You can trust me.”
Let us be frank and honest. He is a professional frog. His long track record and vast experience in jumping from party to party and forming party after party must surely rank as the most prestigious after Ibrahim Ali of Perkasa. He has made a very successful career out of using political parties to best benefit himself. 

Is this professional frog corrupt? According to an unpublished doctoral dissertation by David Walter Brown, Why Governments Fail to Capture Economic Rent: The Unofficial Appropriation of Rain Forest Rent by Rulers in Insular Southeast Asia Between 1970 and 1999, Dr. Jeffrey Kitingan is corrupt. Allegations are made by Dr. Brown in the document, which you can read online or download: http://english.cpiasia.net/index.php?option=com_content&view=frontpage. The allegations are on pages 235-248.

This corrupt professional frog has just formed yet another platform, this time called the UNITED BORNEO FRONT. Would you trust a corrupt professional frog who makes a living out of forming political parties, movements, and platforms?

Apparently, some Iban would.


Billion Ringgit Bride

Filed under: Taib Must Go,Yang Di Kasihi — Pengayau @ 4:00 am
Tags: ,

Taken from Sarawak Report
Did she marry for his money or his morals? All we know of the bride is she is around 29 and from Lebanon

We have an exclusive picture of Sarawak Chief Minister, Taib Mahmud’s, new young bride.  Kuching has been aflame with interest and amusement at the leaked information that the 74 year old has found himself a second wife who is apparently still in her 20s.

However, the government has refused to issue official confirmation of the wedding ceremony, which was celebrated at the weekend in the Chief Minister’s vast mansion (the financing of which remains a mystery, like the rest of his properties).  Even senior Government Ministers have been scouring the web for details of the new “Thief Lady”, who has yet even to be announced by name. In desperation calls were even going out to Sarawak Report.  We feel honoured to oblige.

Sarawak’s wealth around her neck

Sarawakians will not fail to notice that several thousand hectares of irreplaceable jungle must have been felled and turned to oil palm to adorn this lady’s neck.

Addiction to gaudy baubles is a notable foible of Taib’s female family members – Jamilah his daughter shows off these diamonds

One top London jeweller today gave the opinion that the rubies in her diamond tiara, necklace, ring and broach are “likely to be fake glass”.  His reason was that if they were genuine cabochon rubies, like they appear to be, then they would be “priceless at such a size as that”.  When pressed the jeweller hazarded that they would be worth at least RM150 million.

Since the Chief Minister has yet to release details about his bride we will leave Sarawakians to decide amongst themselves whether the Chief Minister has adorned his new wife in glass or cabochon ruby.

Christmas is a time for sharing

As they depart for their Christmas honeymoon, doubtless utilising one of the Hornbill jets funded by Sarawak’s hard-pressed taxpayers, we hope the happy couple spare a thought for the many hungry children in the longhouses who are hoping for a nice present this year.

However, times are hard because more and more land has been snatched away from these communities by the Chief Minister’s BN government, so their parents will have already told them not to expect too much.

Showing off daughter Jamilah, nieice Anita and pals

As ever, these parents will have to remind their children that the Chief Minister’s favourite advice to the rural folks is that they “must learn to wait”.  Apparently, Taib is promising that at some stage he will begin to share his wealth with the people he took it from!

Low cut – sister and daughters

Exposure earlier on by Antu Beduru


December 17, 2010

Bloggers Wanted?

Filed under: CyberWar — Pengayau @ 10:00 am
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Semalam saya membuat pendedahan dan menyenaraikan Senarai Bloggers2 upahan Unit Media Baru PBB/BN Sarawak berdasarkan maklumat yang saya terima daripada sumber2 dalaman.Hari ini, saya dikejutkan dengan satu lagi pendedahan ataupun bukti kukuh yang dapat membuktikan kebenaran yang konon nya seperti mana yang di dakwa oleh seorang Blogger Rajahmas di Blogs beliau bahawa semua ini adalah fitnah dan pembohongan semata2.Saya di tuduh sebagai pembohong dan mendakwa saya adalah Blogger Upahan PKR.Hahahaha!!! 🙂

Sungguh kelakar Blogger PBB/BN nie hinggakan saya terus terkentut bertalu-talu.Sejak bila PKR Sarawak mempunyai dana untuk membiayai Blogger/Penulis upahan?Kalau betul bagai di kata,siapa dia,berapa jumlah bayaran nya?Mana bukti nya?Jangan hanya sekadar sedap mulut mengata

Rajahmas merupakan Blogger yang cukup hebat dan dengan lantang mengkritik Kepimpinan PKR Sarawak,yang mana Baru Bian selaku Ketua PKR Sarawak sentiasa menjadi bahan cemuhan.Wahh,hebat sungguh ya,tak sia-sia segala tunjuk ajar yang di berikan oleh Blogger2 UMNO Malaya.Tetapi beliau sungguh bacul sekali setiap kali saya cuba berbicara tentang amalan rasuah dan salahguna kuasa KM Sarawak seperti yang di dedah kan di Sarawak Report.Berani kerana benar,Takut kerana apa ya?Tak mengapa lah,biarlah itu menjadi tanda tanya kepada seluruh warga Sarawak baik di alam siber mahupun di alam nyata

Di bawah adalah kata-kata “Pujian” beliau terhadap saya

Pengayau – Inilah blogger yang paling BANGANG di MALAYSIA!!!

Blogger pembangkang pro-PR sekarang makin menggelupur macam cacing kepanasan atas simen. Ada antara mereka mendakwa PBB Sarawak telah mengupah beberapa orang blogger daripada Sarawak untuk menyerang kepimpinan pembangkang khususnya PKR.

Rajahmas tersenarai dalam golongan yang mendapat upah kononnya dibayar RM5,000 satu kumpulan… Wah, macam ni tak payah cari kerja,buat artikel macam Rajahmas selang sehari pun boleh dapat bayaran macam tu lumayan.

Patutlah Pehin Sri difitnah ada harta berbilion ringgit kalau blogger mereka pakar melipat ganda angka sampai macam ini. Lain kali kalau buat artikel tengok fakta sikit, jangan main hentam kromo!!!

Untuk tatapan semua,sila baca dengan teliti artikel di bawah yang di petik dari Sarawak Talk

Bloggers Wanted

Posted by Cyber Trooper on December 16, 2010 at 17:28:32:

As part of BN Machinery to counter oppostion and pro opposition bloggers. UMNO and PBB has set up a RM10 million Cyber War Fund.

We invited Sarawakians with journalistic instinct to contact or visit any PBB, PRS and SUPP branches to register yourself as an interested party.

Qualified Candidates will be notified within 7 days.

Training will be conducted by NST, Malay Mail (Datuk Rocky Bru) and Utusan Melayu at Pusat Latihan UMNO at Janda Baik.

Every blogger will be given a granted of RM30,000 to set up their blog, whether it is free or paid hosting, besides being paid monthly allowance of RM5,000.00 per month.

We therefore call on all responsible Sarawakians to register themselves at offices of Sarawak BN Component parties.

It is your duty to defend Sarawak from the onslaught by Sarawak Report and Radio Free Sarawak.

YB Abdul Karim Hamzah
YB Fadzillah Yusof

Ps:Saya cuba untuk menulis dalam Bahasa Malaysia kerana kebanyakan Blogger/Cybertrooper PBB/BN nie lebih suka berbahasa Malaysia daripada berbahasa Inggeris.Agak nya pengaruh daripada Blogger UMNO kot? 🙂

December 16, 2010

Ketua Puteri UMNOngok:Janji autonomi PKR di S’wak tak masuk akal

This is one of the reason why we as Sarawakians should support Pakatan Rakyat in order for the 18 Point of Agreement to be finally honoured  after 47 years!!!!!! Before that,we must make sure Pakatan Rakyat form the next Federal and State Government!!!!!

Rosnah: Janji autonomi PKR di S’wak tak masuk akal

Ketua Puteri Umno Datuk Rosnah Abdul Rashid Shirlin menyifatkan kenyataan Timbalan Presiden PKR Azmin Ali untuk memberi kuasa autonomi kepada Sarawak jika Pakatan Rakyat memerintah negara ini sebagai tidak berpijak di bumi nyata.Pernah baca 20/18 Point of Agreement tak?

Katanya kenyataan itu hanya bertujuan mengelirukan rakyat khususnya penduduk Sarawak.Siapa yang keliru?Apa yang mengelirukan?

Ketua Puteri Umno, Datuk Rosnah Abdul Rashid ShirlinRosnah berkata barisan pemimpin PKR kini sanggup membuat apa sahaja termasuk untuk meraih sokongan rakyat berikutan pelbagai masalah yang melanda parti itu termasuk berhadapan dengan krisis keyakinan terhadap barisan kepimpinan sedia ada.Media UMNO yang kata.Biar rakyat yang menentukan nya nanti di PRU13

“Janji-janji kosong yang ditawarkan pemimpin pakatan pembangkang termasuk yang terbaru untuk memberi kuasa autonomi kepada Sarawak amat tidak masuk akal,” katanya dalam satu kenyataan.Sekali lagi,pernah baca 20/18 Point of Agreement tak?

Rosnah berkata Sarawak, yang diketahui kaya dengan hasil galian dan sumber alam semula jadi, tidak akan dilepaskan oleh PKR yang sememangnya menunggu untuk menguasai negeri-negeri yang mempunyai hasil yang banyak.Begitu juga Sabah.Kenapa UMNO beria2 hendak menguasai Sabah sehingga sanggup menggunakan taktik kotor termasuk Projek IC M untuk menggulingkan Kerajaan PBS satu ketika dulu?

“Apa yang terjadi di Selangor sudah cukup untuk menyedarkan semua pihak bahawa kerajaan pakatan pembangkang yang diterajui PKR sangat tamak dan ingin menyapu bersih semua hasil yang ada di negeri itu,” katanya.Siapa yang tamak?Siapa yang sapu selama ini?Mana bukti salahlaku dan rasuah yang di lakukan PKR di Selangor?Khir Toyo Parti mana?

Rosnah berkata beliau hairan kenapa Azmin tidak menjanjikan memberi wilayah autonomi kepada Pulau Pinang sebaliknya memilih Sarawak jika pakatan pembangkang memerintah.Sekali lagi,pernah baca 20/18 Point of Agreement tak?

“Adakah kerana takut dengan DAP, lantas beliau tidak menamakan Pulau Pinang, sebaliknya memilih Sarawak semata-mata untuk mengambil hati penduduk di negeri itu sedangkan kerajaan Barisan Nasional telah membangunkan Sarawak dari pelbagai aspek sehinggakan rakyat di situ sentiasa memilih BN sebagai pemerintah setiap kali pilihan raya diadakan,” katanya.

Bodoh,Bangang,Bahlol,Bongok,Bengap.Hanya Taib Mahmud,keluarga nya dan Pemimpin2 BN Sarawak yang “Membangun”.Tak percaya?Sila klik di sini

– Bernama

Ketua Puteri UMNO nie orang Sabah,sepatut nya dia tak payah nak masuk campur hal orang Sarawak dan dia patut tahu Kuasa Autonomi yang telah di janji kan kepada Sabah,Sarawak semasa Pembentukan Malaysia pada tahun 1963.Banyak lagi masalah di Sabah tu.Tolong selesaikan lah oii…

World Bank confirms Sabah is Malaysia’s poorest state

Joe Fernandez
Thursday, 11 November 2010 17:00

KOTA KINABALU – The World Bank (WB) in Washington has confirmed through a new study that Sabah is not only the poorest state in Malaysia but it’s likely to stay that way for a considerable length of time given current efforts in poverty eradication.

The bottomline was that Malaysia’s economic planning in Sabah so far has not been for inclusive growth.

The study contained in the World Bank’s 2010 Malaysia Economic Monitor (MEM), the third in its series, was handed over last night to the state government by WB representative Emmanuel Jimenez, also Human Development Sector Director (East Asia and Pacific Region).

“Although efforts by the Government have somewhat brought down the poverty rate, it’s still not enough,” said Jimenez. “The MEM shows that Sabahans continue to struggle to make ends meet. This is more evident in the outskirts of the towns.”

Sabah is far behind other states

According to Jimenez, the deep levels of poverty in Sabah could be seen from the fact that although the state has only 10 per cent of Malaysia’s population, it has 40 per cent of the poverty. In contrast, Selangor which has nearly a quarter of the country’s population has less than 10 per cent of the poor.

The WB has also identified that most of the poor can be found in the rural areas mainly among the Rungus in the north and Orang Sungai in the east, both Kadazandusun groups; and the Suluks in the east who are a Muslim group from the Philippines from the days of the Sulu Sultanate. There are also poor among all other communities including in the urban areas among the Chinese.

Nasrun, in his comments, praised the WB for accurately identifying poverty and regional disparity as the main critical issues concerning Sabah. He disclosed that the MEM was put together with input from Sabah which was visited by a WB team several months ago.

“We are fortunate to have access to the WB’s vast expertise in addressing issues of poverty, regional disparity and inclusive growth,” said Nasrun. “They can advise us in taking a holistic approach towards addressing these challenges.”

He lamented that if compared with the states in Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah is very much far behind in both hard and soft infrastructure.


Senarai Bloggers2 upahan Unit Media Baru PBB/BN Sarawak – UPDATED

Filed under: CyberWar,Pakatan Rakyat — Pengayau @ 10:00 am

  1. Audie61 (Lead Dogs)
  2. ChangeWemustsSarawak
  3. KeadilanUntukSarawak
  4. MelanauBlogger
  5. MedanSarawak
  6. Rajahmas
  7. WiraKenyalang
  8. SarawakDotKom
  9. Ngap Sayot
  10. AnakMerdeka
  11. Orang Panggau
  12. Asap Koyan2U
  13. Aku Ngerepak
  14. Wira Kenyalang
  15. Engkerumung Bebunyi
  16. Tiga Sungai
  17. Pena Emas
  18. Panggilan Pulau Binai
  19. Gerakan Anti PKR Sarawak
  20. Sarawak Wira
  21. Penilai Sebuyau
  22. Muka Petang
  23. Muda Tengah
  24. Anak Kenyah
  25. Alex Kayong
  26. The Real Sarawak
  27. Anak Jengayan
  28. Anak Negeri
  29. Sarawak Monitor
  30. Confuse All
  31. Semangat Merah
  32. Whizzekid
  33. Dayakmedia2u

Saya di maklumkan bahawa Bloggers2 ini di bayar upah yang begitu lumayan  sebanyak RM5 Ribu setiap bulan untuk satu kumpulan.Saya juga di maklumkan bahawa mereka menggunakan dan mendapat tunjuk ajar daripada Blogger terkenal UMNO iaitu PapaGomo dan juga Parpukari

Mereka juga saling bekerjasama dengan rapat di antara satu sama yang lain untuk melancarkan Perang Siber terutamanya untuk menangkis serangan dan tuduhan yang di lemparkan Pakatan Rakyat.Mereka terdiri daripada para2 pelajar dan sebahagian besarnya terdiri daripada ahli Sayap Pemuda PBB itu sendiri

Satu seminar telah di anjurkan pada 12 Oktober 2010 di Kuching.Seminar Media Baru itu menampilkan Dr Jeniri Amir sebagai penceramah.Seminar tersebut dianjurkan oleh Pejabat P194 Parlimen Petra Jaya dan merupakan landasan untuk para penulis Blog pro BN menimba ilmu agar penulisan mereka lebih tajam dalam menyampaikan maklumat tepat kepada para pembaca atau lebih tepat, peranan para penulis blog itu adalah untuk menepis tohmahan pembangkang yang sejak kebelakangan ini gemar menggunakan saluran siber menyebarkan dakwaan.

Tetapi anehnya,tidak seorang pun daripada Bloggers2 upahan ini berani berbicara jauh sekali untuk menafikan tentang segala pendedahan di Sarawak Report.Mereka hanya memutarbelit kan fakta dan mengkritik hebat Pakatan Rakyat Sarawak terutamanya PKR

Saya dan rakan-rakan serta teman-teman seperjuangan sentiasa menanti-nanti kan kehadiran Gerombolan-gerombolan sekalian.Perdebatan yang berserta dengan Hujah yang bernas berasaskan Fakta,Data dan Angka amat lah di alu-alu kan.Saya dengan ini mencabar mana-mana jua hulubalang-hulubalang,Panglima-panglima Pemuda PBB untuk berdebat dan berhujah secara berFakta dan bukan nya Auta,secara Berilmiah dan Berhemah untuk membuktikan apa jua yang di dakwa sebagai Dakyah-dakyah dan Propaganda-propaganda jahat Pakatan Rakyat.

Di persilakan terjun dan memberikan Hujah dan komen.Kita bukan cari Kemenangan tetapi hanya sekadar mencari KEBENARAN yang BENAR Sebenar-benar nya,yang HAKIKI…..

Mari lah kita bersama-sama membuka wacana yang Bebas,sebebasnya untuk berbicara tentang masa depan Bumi Sarawak kita yang tercinta ini.Dengan itu,saya sudahi dengan sebuah pantun 4 kerat:

Dari Kuching hendak ke Miri,
Singgah sebentar di Pasar Sibu,
Apa nak jadi dengan Budak PBB ni?
Isu Taib,kenapa diam,kenapa memBISU?

Salam Reformasi.Lawan Tetap Lawan!!! 🙂

New Outrage – Taking Care of My Son By Robbing My People!

Taken from Sarawak Report

Another chunk of Sarawak handed to the Taibs?

Sarawak Report has uncovered an explosive situation in Sri Aman, where we can reveal that the Chief Minister is in the very process of trying to sell off land which he gave free to his son, for a multi-million ringgit profit.

The 22,000 acres in question (8,800 hectares) is in Bijat Land District, Sungai Tisak.  It is established Native Customary Rights Land belonging to Ibans, according to Sadia the Iban rights group.  They say at least 15 communities will be affected by the acquisition of the land for oil palm plantation, however no warning has been given to these communities and no offer of compensation has been made.

Is this what the State Government means by “more aggressive conversion”

Local Iban people, who say that loggers moved into their area unannounced 4 months ago, have only just discovered the situation that is unfolding and they have reacted in fury.  No one has informed them who the loggers are and they did not know about the involvement of Taib’s sons in plans to convert their area to oil palm!

One resident, who contacted Sarawak Report exclaimed ”Imagine they are going to make millions of ringgit and the Dayak suffer!”.

The development comes just days after Minister James Masing on behalf of the State Government informed journalists that BN is planning a “more aggressive conversion” of Native Customary Rights Lands in Sarawak to oil palm plantation.  This, despite international condemnation of the destruction of the environment and the illegal abuse of the human rights of the Dayak.  If they win the next election BN plan to DOUBLE the area of oil palm to 2 million hectares by 2020.

Abu Bekir (Taib’s son) is the main shareholder of Titanium Management

Clear corruption

It is clear who is going to make the money from this land deal and so-called ‘development’.  It is not for nothing that the local people have been kept in the dark about the whole plan that was hatched in the Land Survey Department, which Taib Mahmud controls as Minister of Planning and Resource Management.

As long ago as December 2008 the land was officialy handed to Titanium Management Sdn Bhd, a company that is mostly owned by his son and a well-known business crony of his, Chris Chung, which has been involved in numerous scandals over state contracts in recent years.  This large area of valuable land was given to Taib’s son in returned for an unspecified “payment in kind”!  Such ‘payments in kind’ are a favourite method of doing business between the Sarawak government (run by Taib) and his own family members and it means that no payment has been properly identified.  Effectively this NCR land belonging to the Ibans was given for free and without compensation, unless the Taibs can come up with a convincing explanation!

Disgraceful attempts to make a fat profit

Experienced businessman? Mahmud Abu Bekir Taib

Titanium’s Manager, the above mentioned Mr Chris Chung, is now known to be attempting to hawk the land to the Malaysian Government body FELCRA.  Sarawak Report would like to ask if this is what is meant by ‘applying for Federal Government assistance to develop land in Sarawak’ that BN’s James Masing also referred to in his announcement?  In which case all the Federal money will go to Taib’s son and his crony alone.

Chung is believed to be asking FECRA for at least RM 3,200 per acre, but is trying to secure RM 4,200 per acre.  This would make a windfall profit to Titanium Management’s shareholders of between RM 70 million and RM 93 million!  All for land they were handed for free by Daddy!

This may be a case of ’Kind Papa’ looking after his kids, but it is also a case of a cruel, ruthless and greedy despot grabbing land from his people to hand to his own already wealthy family.  Taib said recently “I have more money than I can ever spend, so I leave it to my children to look after”.  Why must he then continue to rob his people?

This is happening all over Sarawak and BN plans to double the land it takes

The pattern of activity here, right by the town of Sri Aman, has been repeated countless times all over Sarawak.  Nicholas Mujah from Sadia, when notified of this particular case by Sarawk Report confirmed that to take Native Customary Land in this way without notification is an abuse of the law.

Indeed it is only later this morning (Thursday) that 16 Headmen are due to meet officials at the District Land Office, after being summoned just two days ago by letter.  The Headmen were given no inkling in their letter of what they have been summoned for but they suspect that it relates to this removal of their land.  If so the notification has come more than two years AFTER the deed has officially taken place!

On the other hand, our information suggests that Taib’s son has yet to succeed in closing his deal with FELCRA, most likely because he and his business partner have been too greedy in the price they are asking.  If this is the case there may still be a chance for the Ibans to frustrate what has clearly been an illegal transaction!

In similar deals, Taib’s family have been very quick to sell on their shares and take their profits along with some shares in the subsequent plantation business.  On this occasion, faced with such exposure, the buyers may feel wary of proceding.

Likelihood of a bitter battle ahead

Soon to be taken for another oil palm plantation

Certainly, there is every sign that the Ibans of Sri Aman will not take this land grab lying down.  Community leaders indicated, on discovering the situation today on Radio Free Sarawak, that they will fight the development.  The offices of the opposition PKR leader, the human rights lawyer Baru Bian, is already handling similar land rights cases in the Sri Aman area and this one is likely to join 200 which they are now representing through the courts.   Recently decisions have been going against the Chief Minister and his Government in the wake of a key ruling in the Federal Courts that recognised the land rights of the people.

Caught red-handed and in the middle of his sneaky transaction to enrich his family, this will be a particularly difficult and embarrasing situation for the Chief Minister to attempt to argue his way out of.  But the likelihood is that he will as usual react by saying nothing at all!

December 15, 2010

Abdul Karim, Taib and life in the Big Top

Taken from Hornbill Unleashed

Abdul Karim Hamzah, State Assembly representative for Asajaya, and chief political secretary to Sarawak’s Chief Termite Taib Mahmud, has made a sorry spectacle, clowning around to please his boss. “Voice recording here ”

Abdul Karim has endured punishing criticism (and even more fearsome, derisive laughter) from all over the country, thanks to his ill-advised comments in a recent interview with Sarawak Free Radio.

Taib, the Ringmaster in Sarawak’s propaganda circus, seems to need his retinue of clowns with slow wits and flat feet to speak up for him. The Ringmaster himself has not dared to produce the slightest peep over the devastating, carefully documented revelations of his property empire worldwide, and his land deals in Sarawak, in Sarawak Report and all over the worldwide web.

Laughing off the reports

His chief political clown Abdul Karim attempted gamely to defend his Ringmaster, by tooting his horn and giggling. When he said Taib had not sued Sarawak Report for libel because “I mean, to take up an action is not as simple as it is (sic)…sometimes it’s better to just leave things as it (sic) is, because it will, after a while, quiet down (laughs).”

He seemed to find it funny when he championed a White Paper obviously aimed at silencing political opponents, ranging from Sarawak Report, to Pakatan Rakyat leaders like Anwar Ibrahim, Sivarasiah Rahsia and Lim Kit Siang, to the new radio broadcasting station Radio Free Sarawak to blogs like Hornbill Unleashed, Broken Shield and Dayak Nation.

“If we feel that they are not desirable to us, if they are known to be…who have been running us down, from their writing, from their blogs, I think if they are not a friend to Sarawak, I would say, then we stop them (laughs).”

Indeed, if reports from insiders are accurate, Taib is planning to clamp down on Hornbill Unleashed, perhaps by legal action. He must be hoping his team of cracked sharpshooters can bring down the hornbill and bury it, never mind about the leash.

But his marksmen might be shooting their boss in the foot, since this would draw even greater worldwide attention to his plummeting reputation, just as the Clown Prince Abdul Karim has.

Life in the Big Top

The Clown Prince Abdul Karim seems to be living in an alternative universe. In his circus world, those revealing shady land deals in an effort to cut down on corrupt practices, and provide more state money for poor people, is “not desirable”. In his world, these people are “not a friend to Sarawak”.

Taib, on the other hand, appears to be desirable and friendly to Sarawak, though he has scrabbled together a vast fortune for himself, “for example” by acquiring land cheaply, as Abdul Karim puts it.

Do political secretaries understand the basics?

This ‘chief political secretary’ and state assemblyperson, and indeed the chairman of the Barisan Nasional backbenchers’ club, might be expected to understand the basics.

Sarawak’s government is not Sarawak. The government is merely a group of ordinary people voted in to administer Sarawak and use its resources for the benefit of Sarawak’s citizens, and not for themselves.

All elected representatives, even the Chief Termite, serve the people and the state (as outlined in the oath of office they swear), and not the other way around. If they indulge in private, personal wealth accumulation at the expense of the poor people of Sarawak, they are by definition the enemies of the people and of the state.

This is simple and universal political theory, but it appears to be beyond the grasp of the poor clown with the smile painted on his face. If he had any self-respect left, he would surely resign.

Abdul Karim’s pathetic defence of his master getting cheap land (“for example”) was greeted with contempt; unfortunately, although Abdul Karim claims he reads Malaysiakini and Free Malaysia Today, he may not be able to understand sarcasm. His use of English is not his strong suit; slapstick is more his style of communication.

He may even think the Facebook ‘likes’ given to reports of his Radio Free Sarawak interview may be ‘likes’ of him.

There are reams of publicly documented evidence of Taib and his family, featuring a smiling procession of his late wife, brothers, sister, children, brother-in-law Abdul Aziz Hussein, and cousin Hamid Sepawi, obtaining contracts from the state government.

Such beneficiaries of Sarawak’s taxpayers’ hard-earned money include CMS, Naim Holdings, Sarawak Energy, Titanium, Mesti Bersatu, Quality Concrete and numerous other family companies. These contracts were under the responsibility of Taib himself, as finance minister and minister for natural resources and planning.

There are tonnes of detailed descriptions of the timber concession holdings given by Taib, as minister for natural resources and planning, and lurid records of generous gifts to Taib’s family by cronies such as Samling.

And there is an intricately traced paper trail showing the lucrative land acquisitions by companies owned by Taib’s family. They have had vast tracts of cheap or free land alienated to them and have then been able to sell them on for immense profit.

Abdul Karim has succeeded only in highlighting his Ringmaster’s stinking wealth, and foul conflict of interest and instant riches from acquisition of land titles. Abdul Karim must now be one of Pakatan Rakyat’s newest assets in Sarawak.

Perhaps Abdul Karim should be exiled from Sarawak under his own White Paper, since he himself has “blatantly tried to run down the government, tried to create instability, whether economically or politically, in the state”, as he accused Taib’s critics in his interview!

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