"Mangkang Menua,Mangkang Dunya,Ngetan Ke Bansa!!"

March 30, 2011

Open Letter by Mat Zain to IGP – on Anwar, Gani Patail and Rahim

Filed under: Anwar Ibrahim — Pengayau @ 1:00 pm
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Open Letter by Mat Zain to IGP – on Anwar, Gani Patail and Rahim

Open Letter by Mat Zain to IGP:

Mat Zain bin Ibrahim,
SAC II G/5776(Retired),


YDH Tan Sri Haji Ismail bin Haji Omar,IGP,
Ketua Polis Negara,
Polis Di-Raja Malaysia,
Bukit Aman,
50560 Kuala Lumpur.

28hb.March 2010

YDH Tan Sri,


Semoga Tan Sri tenang dan tabah menangani cabaran mendatang.

2. Saya percaya Tan Sri sedar video lucah mana yang saya maksudkan.Saya yakin sepenuhnya bahawa PDRM mampu menjalankan tanggung jawabnya menjalankan siasatan tersebut secara professional dan berkecuali dan tidak terpengaruh dengan tekanan mana-mana pihak sekalipun, lebih-lebih lagi dibawah pimpinan Tan Sri ketika ini.

2.1. Namun begitu kertas siasatan ini kelak akan diteliti dan diputuskan olih Gani Patail,Peguam Negara.Diperingkat inilah dijangka akan berlaku,putar belit,manipulasi,penipuan dan pemalsuan apabila sedar akan caramana Gani Patail dan Musa Hassan menangani penyiasatan kes-kes jenayah apabila melibatkan Anwar Ibrahim(Anwar) dan Rahim Thambi Chik (Rahim) dimasa lampau.

2.2. Tidak syak lagi isu video ini adalah satu lagi “pertembungan” diantara Anwar dan Rahim.Adalah dipercayai juga motif pendedahannya,tidak kira samada video tersebut adalah tulen atau direkacipta,adalah terbit daripada dendam lama Rahim terhadap Anwar atas isu peribadi atau politik diantara mereka berdua.


3. Diantara 9 July 1999 hingga 20 Ogos 1999,Anwar telah membuat sejumlah empat(4) laporan Polis, mendedahkan perbuatan rasuah pemimpin-pemimpin Politik dan Kerajaan.Dalam laporan-laporan berkenaan Anwar turut mendakwa dan menamakan mantan Perdana Menteri Tun Mahathir,Peguam Negara Allahyarham Mohtar Abdullah dan Gani Patail,ketika itu DPP Kanan,sebagai orang-orang yang telah menyalahgunakan kuasa dan menutup kes-kes rasuah tersebut.

3.1. Pertembungan lampau antara Rahim dan Anwar adalah apabila salah satu diantara laporan tersebut iaitu Tun H.S.Lee report 22517/99 bertarikh 20.8.1999 yang dibuat olih Anwar melibatkan Rahim.Dalam laporan ini Anwar juga mendakwa Tun Mahathir,Allahyarham Mohtar dan Gani Patail sebagai telah menyalahgunakan kuasa mereka melindungi perbuatan rasuah Rahim serta menutup siasatan dan tidak mengenakan sebarang pendakwaan terhadap beliau.

3.2. Bersekali dengan report tersebut, Anwar telah menyertakan satu set salinan laporan siasatan Badan Pencegah Rasuah(BPR)terhadap Rahim yang disahkan oleh Bahagian Pendakwaan,Jabatan Peguam Negara dan ditanda tangani oleh Gani Patail yang mengkelaskan dokumen tersebut sebagai RAHSIA.Dokumen-dokumen ini dikatakan diberi kepada Anwar oleh Peguam Negara dan/atau Gani Patail ketika Anwar masih Timbalan Perdana Menteri.

4. Untuk makluman Tan Sri,secara kebetulan, saya yang menangani keempat-empat laporan yang Anwar buat itu termasuk laporan melibatkan Rahim atas sifat saya sebagai Ketua Jabatan Sisasatan Jenayah(KJSJ) Kuala Lumpur ketika itu.Saya perhatikan juga amaun rasuah melibatkan Rahim adalah antara yang paling sedikit jika dibandingkan dengan laporan-laporan lain.Jumlah terlibat lebih kurang RM40 juta(Empat puloh juta Ringgit sahaja) atau angka yang lebih tepat ialah RM 39,782,772.60 sen. Amaun ini dikatakan diperolehi olih Rahim menerusi salahguna kuasa dan kegiatan rasuah setakat yang dapat dikesan menerusi siasatan terperinci BPR dan disahkan olih Gani Patail.

4.1. Sebagai rekod Tan Sri,amaun terbesar yang disebutkan dalam salah satu laporan Anwar itu, melibatkan seorang pemimpin yang dikatakan telah memperolehi harta berjumlah dalam lingkungan RM 370 juta.(tiga ratus tujoh puloh juta Ringgit) dalam bentuk RM 220 juta tunai dan RM150 juta dalam bentuk saham,menerusi jalan rasuah.

5. Wajar saya jelaskan disini bahawa terdapat perbezaan pendapat antara KJSJ Kuala Lumpur dengan Jabatan Peguam Negara mengenai cara pendekatan menangani laporan-laporan Anwar tersebut.Jabatan Peguam Negara menasihatkan supaya laporan-laporan tersebut diklasifikasikan di-bawah Akta Rahsia Rasmi 1972 sahaja.Manakala KJSJ berpendapat klasifikasi ini tidak sepadan dengan laporan dan keterangan yang pengadu kemukakan serta mencadangkan kesemua laporan berkenaan diklasifikasikan dibawah Seksyen 2(1)Emergency(Essential Powers)Ordinance 2,1970 berkaitan kesalahan salahguna kuasa. Cadangan bertulis KJSJ terdapat dalam fail rujukkan (PR)35/26 bertarikh 25.8.1999.Siasatan dibawah Seksyen ini dijangka akan membabitkan rakaman keterangan daripada Tun Mahathir,Allahyarham Mohtar dan Gani Patail sendiri serta lain-lain kenamaan.

5.1. Bagaimanapun pada 28.8.1999 saya telah menerima satu surat daripada Jabatan Peguam Negara Rujukan PRM(WP)5/99 SULIT(5) yang dialamatkan kepada saya persendirian,memaklumkan secara spesifik bahawa laporan yang Anwar buat melibatkan Rahim, akan disiasat oleh Musa Hassan setelah kononya Gani Patail membuat laporan terhadap Anwar pula kerana kesalahan di-bawah Akta Rahsia Rasmi.

5.1.2. Apa yang berlaku ialah, Gani Patail dengan kemudahan yang diberi oleh Musa Hassan telah menterbalikkan kedudukkan laporan Anwar yang melibatkan Rahim untuk menyebabkan Anwar pula disiasat dibawah Akta Rahsia Rasmi.Lebih mudah untuk saya menyatakan laporan melibatkan Rahim itu telah di”hijacked” oleh Musa Hassan daripada tangan KJSJ Kuala Lumpur.

5.1.3. Saya tidak pernah melihat laporan Polis yang kononya dibuat oleh Gani Patail itu ataupun kertas siasatan yang kononnya dibuat oleh Musa Hassan.Belum pernah juga berlaku Jabatan Peguam Negara pula yang memilih Pagawai Penyiasat yang mereka berkenan menyiasat sesuatu laporan polis.

5.2. Bagi mengelakkan sebarang keraguan berkaitan peristiwa diatas,saya sertakan buat pertama kalinya salinan surat Jabatan Peguam Negara bertarikh 28.8.1999 yang saya maksudkan.Walaupun ringkas, surat ini dengan jelas menunjukkan posisi Gani Patail,Musa Hassan dan saya berkaitan siasatan laporan Anwar yang melibatkan Rahim.

5.3. Secara kebetulan saya telah melaporkan perkara ini ketika Tan Sri masih Timbalan Ketua Polis Negara lagi, menerusi surat saya bertarikh 6.5.2010 dengan salinannya kepada YB Menteri Dalam Negeri.

6. Perbandingan yang boleh dibuat disini ialah apabila menangani siasatan terhadap Anwar, Gani Patail dan Musa Hassan sanggup melakukan apa sahaja antaranya memaksa pakar Kerajaan membuat beberapa laporan palsu, mengujudkan keterangan DNA palsu,menipu dan melakukan tindakan-tindakan melampaui batasan undang-undang dan lojik untuk mensabitkan kesalahan terhadap Anwar.

6.1. Sebaliknya apabila menangani siasatan berkaitan Rahim pula, Gani Patail dan Musa Hassan, sanggup melakukan apa sahaja antaranya, menterbalikkan fakta dan memutarbelitkan keterangan untuk membersihkan Rahim daripada sebarang salah laku jenayah sambil meletakkan kesalahan terhadap pengadunya pula.

6.2. Walaupun Musa Hassan telah bersara namun Gani Patail masih berkuasa sebagai Peguam Negara.Apabila siasatan mengenai video lucah ini sampai ketangan Jabatan Peguam Negara kelak,kita boleh menjangka pendirian Gani Patail, lebih-lebih lagi apabila mengambil kira isu video lucah ini juga adalah pertembungan antara Rahim dan Anwar.

6.3. Sekadar makluman Tan Sri juga,Dr.Abdul Rahman Yusof,Pakar Forensic HKL,yang telah digunakan oleh Gani Patail untuk menyediakan 3 laporan palsu dalam siasatan kes Mata-Lebam, adalah juga Pakar Forensic yang sama terlibat dalam membuat pemeriksaan fisikal Rahim, dalam kes seksual dengan gadis bawah umor berkaitan.Kebetulan juga saya pernah menjadi KJSJ Melaka sebelum Kuala Lumpur dan tidak munasabah jika saya tidak meneliti kertas siasatan kes Rahim itu, walaupun saya bukan Pegawai Penyiasatnya.Mungkin ini semua adalah “the long arm of coincidences” sahaja.

7. Mengenai kes rasuah terhadap Rahim pula,BPR dan Jabatan Peguam Negara mengesahkan dalam laporan mereka bahawa terdapat keterangan yang mencukupi untuk membuktikan kes “prima facie” terhadap beliau.Malahan Jabatan Peguam Negara telah menyediakan empat (4)pertuduhan kesemuanya. Iaitu;3(tiga) pertuduhan dibawah Emergency(Essential Powers)Ordinance No:22 of 1970 dan satu pertuduhan kerana membuat Statutory Declaration (SD) palsu dibawah Sek.199 yang boleh dihukum dibawah Seksyen 193 Kanun Keseksaan.

7.1. Bagaimanapun Rahim tidak dituduh langsung,setelah Peguam Negara “indemnify” segala kesalahan jenayahnya setelah Rahim dipercayai bersetuju untuk melepaskan jawatan dalam Kerajaan,Badan-Badan Berkanun dan Parti Politik.Ini adalah apa yang terdapat didalam laporan yang disediakan oleh Jabatan Peguam Negara sendiri.

7.2. Tidak ada sebutan mengenai cara pelupusan harta berjumlah hampir RM40 juta yang Rahim perolehi secara rasuah itu..Tiada maklumat mengenai persetujuan yang dicapai oleh Rahim dan Peguam Negara berkaitan harta yang diperolehi sedemikian itu dalam bentuk:RM 5,439,796.40 sen dalam kawalan peribadi Rahim sendiri,RM14,487,420.50 sen simpanan tunai dalam beberapa buah bank dan RM19,855,555.70 sen harta Syarikat-Syarikat.

7.3. Persoalan yang tidak kurang pentingnya ialah adakah Peguam Negara mempunyai kuasa untuk “indemnify” kesalahan jenayah mana-mana orang berdasarkan pertimbangan Politik?. Adakah Peguam Negara berhak melepaskan wang Rakyat RM 40 juta sebegitu mudah untuk Rahim menikmatinya tanpa sebarang tindakan.Adakah ini sesuatu yang adil kepada Rakyat sedangkan Peguam Negara yang telah mengesahkan bahawa Rahim memperolehi harta sedemikian banyak menerusi salahguna kuasa dan rasuah.Apa yang jelas dalam kes Rahim ini,,Peguam Negara juga telah menyalahgunakan kuasanya.

8. Saya ingin Tan Sri maklum,bahawa secara peribadi saya tidak mempunyai sebarang isu dengan Rahim.Malahan saya tidak pernah mengenali beliau,sekalipun untuk berjabat salam dengannya seumor hidup.Saya sendiri tidak sangka yang beliau akan muncul sebagai salah seorang dibelakang tayangan video lucah berkenaan.Keterangan-keterangan yang dikemukakan dalam laporan ini adalah berdasarkan pengalaman,pengetahuan peribadi serta dokumen-dokumen berkaitan, ketika saya menangani kes membabitkan beliau.

8.1. Isu yang sering saya bawa sehingga keperingkat YAB Perdana Menteri secara persendirian, ialah bekenaan dengan salahlaku jenayah Gani Patail dan Musa Hassan yang bukan sahaja telah menjejaskan maruah PDRM dan saya secara peribadi malahan mereka mengkucar-kacirkan Sistem Keadilan Jenayah kita.Saya tidak ralat mendedahkannya memandangkan saya telah menasihatkan mereka berdua tahun 1998 bahawa sebarang pemalsuan dan penganiayaan akan terbongkar suatu hari nanti.Salahlaku jenayah mereka bukan setakat dalam siasatan kes mata-lebam sahaja.Saya yakin Tan Sri dan Timbalan Ketua Polis Negara maklum akan pendirian saya berkaitan perkara ini.

9. Walaubagaimanapun isu video lucah ini sedang dalam siasatan dan masih terlalu awal untuk membuat kesimpulan mengenainya.Diharap maklumat yang saya sampaikan ini berfaedah untuk membantu Tan Sri memberikan pendengaran yang adil kepada semua pihak terlibat.Apapun saya berharap Tan Sri tidak akan merelakan PDRM diperlakukan sesuka hati Peguam Negara seperti yang berlaku selama beberapa tahun sebelum Tan Sri.

Selamat sejahtera dan selamat maju jaya.

Yang ikhlas,

Mat Zain Ibrahim
28 March 2011

MoCS Fellows can become election observers

Filed under: State Election — Pengayau @ 11:00 am
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Dear MoCS Fellows and friends,

MAFREL has contacted me and requested MoCS’ assistance to send election observers for the coming polls.

Colonel Shaharudin informed me yesterday that they prefer Sarawakians to be election observers in their own state rather than sending a contingent of West Malaysians.

A MoCS volunteer officially becomes a MAFREL observer. On Nomination Day (April 6) and Polling Day (April 16), you are granted entry to nomination and polling centres to help ensure that everything is above board.

For those you never have the chance to observe polling at close range, this is a golden opportunity to sign up.

If you are interested to be a MAFREL election observer (in any part of Sarawak), please send a photocopy of your IC and two (2) passport-size photo to our Kuching MoCS Coordinator MARK CHIN at:

mark chin <mcfl2000@yahoo.com>, or call him at 012-8839245

So far, five MoCS fellows have signed up to be observers in the Kuching area.

I would encourage you to do so. Get your friends who are not on this list to sign up as well.

Please read the mail below from MAFREL for further info.

Shaharudin will be in Kuching on April 2 to meet up with MoCS volunteers. Those outside Kuching, please find a way to send the necessary to Mark Chin.



Dear Mr Francis Siah,
Reference to our telephone conversation today allow me to thank you and Movement for Change Sarawak for giving me the chance to introduce MAFREL. To give you a bit of background on MAFREL, I have attached a powerpoint presentation which was shown in Kuching on 19 March 2011. Below is the press statement forwarded to Transparency International for inclusion into their press conference on the 30th March 2011.
With these, I hope you are a little bit enlightened by what is MAFREL all about. Please feel free to forward it to your members of the Movement for Change Sarawak, MocS (no copywrite on all our publications). Hoping to hear from you and your friends soonest possible. Thank you and god bless.
Shaharudin Othman. 

MAFREL (acronym for Malaysians for Free and Fair Elections) is the only NGO in Malaysia that has been accredited by the Malaysian Elections Commission (Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya – SPR) to observe all the elections conducted by the SPR since 2004. MAFREL shall embark on an extensive observation mission for the Sarawak State Assembly from 6th April (Nomination Day) to 16th April 2011(Polling Day). The plan of action covers the areas of
a.         Recruitment of observers from volunteers in the state of Sarawak.

b.         Training on election observation by MAFREL trainers.

c.         Conduct election observation in the Sarawak State Assembly to cover:

(1.)       Pre Election Survey.

(2.)       Electoral Roll Verification.

(3.)       Nomination Day Observation.

(4.)       Political Campaign Observation.

(5.)       Media Monitoring of Political Campaign.

(6.)       Polling Day Observation.

(7.)       Post Election Observation (Electoral Petitions).

d.         Voter Education Program for the state of Sarawak.

To conduct the training for the volunteers, MAFREL shall  send a team of 10 trainers be deployed to Sarawak to be stationed in the 4 training centers identified. The centers are in Kuching, Sibu, Bintulu and Miri. These training centers will serve as Operation Centers when the elections are underway. The Voter Education programs shall also radiate from these centers.

6.        During the elections proper, it is envisaged that a total of 30 personnel be required to man full time at these centers to carry out the task of voters roll verification, campaign observation, media monitoring and voter education. For the task of Nomination Day Observation the local volunteers (trained by MAFREL) located at the towns and cities in Sarawak will conduct the observation at the Nomination Center for all constituencies. During Polling Day, the deployment of all local volunteers (trained by MAFREL) shall be extensive to cover the polling stations in identified constituencies. This number shall be in the hundreds. These observers shall be provided with “SPR passes” and located in the polling station. It is hoped that the reports shall be positive and free of irregularities and offences.

Shaharudin Othman.

Deputy Chairman, MAFREL.

Pencerobohan Pembalakan di Taman Negara Lambir,Miri,Sarawak

Filed under: Logging — Pengayau @ 10:00 am

This pictures being send to my email from an unknown email adress that requested me to post it in my Blogs

Hutan Taman Negara Lambir yang telah di balak

Jentera balak yang di gunakan

Pondok penduduk yang telah di robohkan oleh Pembalak

Kayu daripada Taman Negara Lambir

Pokok getah yang habis di tumbangkan oleh Pembalak

Kem pekerja balak

March 29, 2011

Paul Kadang explaination on SNAP Saga

Filed under: Sarawak Politics,State Election — Pengayau @ 11:00 am
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SNAP: Why We Do What We Do

By Paul Kadang, Director of Operations, Sarawak National Party (SNAP)

Taken from Sarawak National Party Blogs

SNAP’s recent re-emergence to reclaim its place in the Sarawak political arena has sparked numerous allegations and prejudgements on the motives of the prime movers of the party’s re-vitalisation. Presumably made with good intentions, these prejudgements have been voiced out in the internet by political observers who seem to hold themselves out as being totally familiar with the present Sarawak political scene. Most of these, however, contain presumptions that have not been thoroughly examined.

Let me elaborate on the reasons and circumstances leading to SNAP’s re-emergence.


From the beginning since its founding in 1961, SNAP has had two important characteristics vis-a-vis its support: it has always been a multiracial party. Of equal importance has been its emphasis on Dayak interests, which is not surprising since this community forms its inner core.

It had been the tearing and cracking of this core by its political opponents since 1970, through their divide and rule policies, which not only decapitated SNAP as a viable political organization but also formed the first significant break in Dayak communal unity. The manifestation of these divide and rule policies has continued to this day and has been a contributing factor to the dispossession of the Dayak people of much of their properties and lands by unscrupulous people.

Since that time the holy grail of Dayak politics has been to forge their internal unity and cohesion in their search for equitable power sharing in the country. They have laboured hard towards this end but so far without success. And so to this day, Dayaks have continued to be splintered and their political representation fragmented amongst the various parties in Sarawak.

Over the past eight years, Ibans and other natives did not have any indigenous political party as their platform for democratic dissent. They gave the benefit of the doubt to SPDP and PRS and even PBB to try to regain the rightful political significance of the native population. In those eight years, the blatant disregard for Native Customary Rights and Native Customary Land as enshrined in the laws of the state, continued and became even more widespread till today. All these happened without even the slightest protest coming from legislators and political parties that claim to represent, protect and uphold native interests be they the PBB, SPDP or PRS.

By 2008, the natives, particularly those from the Dayak communities, were totally marginalised politically. A new generation of native intellectuals then decided that the time had come for natives to depend on no one but themselves to fight their battles.

Answering the clarion call of Reformasi that have yielded fruits in the federal general elections of March 2008, these Dayak intellectuals began to look at PKR as the platform from which to fight their battles. Some became PKR members, while some others watched with keen interest and gave their support from the fringes.

But two years later, they slowly drifted away from PKR for reasons which in total had shown to these intellectuals that native problems are of a low priority to PKR. The instances are as follows.

PKR’s Relationship with Natives and Native Issues

The records show that PKR in Sarawak was started by disenchanted Malay-Melanau politicians splintered from the then and present ruling elite. For ten years the main issues that made up PKR Sarawak’s political agenda were their typical infighting and their urge to find a way to replace Taib Mahmud and gang as the ruling elite of Sarawak. All the office-bearers and head of PKR Sarawak were from that group for most of the twelve years of PKR Sarawak’s existence.

It was only in 2008, with the entry of other native and Dayak intellectuals into the party that wider native issues became part of PKR’s campaign fodder to attract these native votes. Before this, there were almost no PKR divisions in Dayak-majority constituencies. Attempts were then made by personalities like Nicholas Bawin to open up branches in Dayak native-majority constituencies.

It is notable that only after twelve years, for the first time ever, a Dayak was appointed a few months ago as head of PKR Sarawak. Even then the appointment was not without vociferous protests from the pioneers of PKR Sarawak. Till now, no Iban sits in PKR’s inflated Majlis Pimpinan Pusat or its political bureau. These are ominous signs of the patronising attitude of PKR that culminated in the Batang Ai by-election catastrophe of April 2009.

The Batang Ai By-Election

The native intellectuals group, Malay Melanau and Dayak, that supported PKR had by the end of 2008 quadrupled in number, ready to adopt PKR as the saviour of the natives. Then came the Batang Ai by-election and it was clear to most of PKR Sarawak native leaders that Nicholas Bawin was the most viable PKR candidate and was expected to be nominated. They were astonished therefore that a long time ex-yang berhormat, formerly from the ruling coalition who was not known to be associated with PKR, was appointed instead of Bawin. That was at the behest and financial lobbying of a Chinese towkay whose official affiliation with PKR was nil but who evidently held a major sway in the personal considerations of PKR’s Ketua Umum. Without consultation with PKR’s native leaders, Bawin was dropped. Such is ‘democracy’ in PKR.

The result of the by-election, as expected, was a major disaster to PKR’s attempts to make inroads into Sarawak Dayak native politics. PKR’s candidate was thrashed. He obviously did not enjoy the confidence of these intellectuals, who chose to stay away in protest against the evident highhandedness. As an excuse for their defeat, PKR went into its typical damage control mode in alleging, for instance, that the ballot boxes were switched while in helicopters. That’s just vintage PKR to ignore the elephant in the room.

In the post-mortem, if ever really there was one, the issue of Dayak leaders’ lack of influence in PKR’s decision-making in Sarawak was never even addressed. Batang Ai is one of the many things observed by these intellectuals which raised questions about native-issue priorities in PKR. They have since kept their distance from the party. PKR remains in their mind as a party that will perpetuate neo-colonial intentions in Sarawak. This is obvious for those who care to see.

Consequently, while those intellectuals were grappling to find a vehicle to voice out native dissatisfaction by natives themselves, SNAP’s re-registration was ordered by the courts. It is only natural therefore that SNAP became a magnet to these partyless native opposition leaders.


SNAP was and is very much in favour of an opposition electoral pact for obvious reasons. Now that the possibility of such a pact appears to be diminishing by the day, it is important that political observers and commentators are made aware of the following:


The opposition grouping has no chairman nor a fixed structure. Even then, it does not matter much to SNAP as to who takes the lead in convening negotiations between the four opposition parties (SNAP, PKR, DAP and PAS) as long as certain rules of political decency and civil negotiations are followed and that the management of the negotiations by whomsoever has the competency and the power to decide.

PKR took the mantle and in the same breath publicly announced that it will run in 53 seats and SNAP will be accorded only 3. It was as if the seats were for PKR to distribute. SNAP had no choice but to respond publicly that it intends to run in all of the native-majority seats numbering 29.

Negotiations commenced in a haphazard manner and much later than ideally possible. SNAP refuses to be marginalised and to underscore its seriousness and capacity to compete, declared publicly its 16 candidates for 16 named constituencies. A startled PKR came back to ‘offer’ 4 seats, instead of 3. SNAP responded to this infantile insult by announcing 11 more candidates for 11 more constituencies. Altogether totalling 27 seats.

PKR’s incompetency in leadership and management of the negotiations was obvious. There was no negotiation agenda and things were done by the seat of their pants and at their convenience. SNAP expected the first session would have been attended by decision-makers of all parties. There is no point in negotiating if the negotiators have no power or mandate to decide. Decisions from higher-ups must be obtained at the point of negotiation. That wasn’t the case with PKR. At all times, PKR insisted that the final decision would be made by KL after a negotiating position had been reached by the parties. To any seasoned negotiator, such a statement is already a ball-breaker.

We had also expected that the first order of the day was to get a consensus of the proportionate spread of the number of seats to be contested by each party in accordance to macro demographic factors which all four parties hold themselves to champion for. It was clear that DAP would run in Chinese-majority areas, PAS in a few Muslim-majority areas and PKR in Malay-Melanau areas, where they had concentrated their efforts in the past decade for better or for worse. SNAP, being a multiracial party but traditionally a Dayak-based one, will contest in the native-majority areas. It was only in the mixed areas that overlapping claims will have to be resolved through negotiations.

But PKR having suddenly realised that native issues could be the determining issues in the coming elections, and still hung-over from the ecstasy of the 2008 electoral tsunami in the peninsular, thought that by placing their candidates in these native constituencies PKR can be the beneficiary of a Sarawak tsunami.

The opinion-makers and intellectuals who had fled to SNAP therefore fear that the beneficiary of native electoral dissatisfaction may be a national party that has shown in the last two years little sensitivity to the natives’ political predicament. They fear that Sarawak’s native problems, under PKR, will remain secondary to a grander federal plan of PKR’s national leaders. At worst, SNAP will never be able to be given back those constituencies by PKR.

If in fact PKR had made a positive impact in native constituencies and indeed enjoyed native support, by putting in hard work in building up an articulation of native dissatisfaction, the results would have been evident. But instead, PKR had never won nor come close to winning a native-majority seat in 3 federal elections and 2 state elections in the 12 years of their existence in Sarawak. In fact, a number of their candidates lost their deposits. So much for PKR’s desire to contest in 53 seats.

The second order of the day would be for the negotiating parties to consider the ‘winnability’ of their candidates as a basis for their allocation of the overlapping seats. Till this very moment, the ‘conductor’ of the negotiations themselves has not sorted out their own internal selection problems as to who runs where. They fear that if they make representations of the winnability of a particular candidate, it may incur the wrath of another party member also aspiring to be the candidate for the same area.

Out of this fear and indiscipline, it is PKR’s practice that their candidates list is only completed on the eve of nomination day so that those among their members who have lost out will not have options but to play along. Knowing this, SNAP decided that it would not be encumbered by PKR’s internal deficiencies. SNAP announced its candidates way ahead of time to give them a head start in going to the ground in the vast constituencies to familiarise the voters with their candidacy.

What is the Status Quo?

To date, SNAP has announced its decision to run in 27 of the 29 native-majority seats. It has refrained from contesting in the remaining 2 seats in deference to the work done by and its support for two PKR native leaders. In a gesture of goodwill and in recognition of the winnability factor, these concessions are made. The truth is that PKR has no other native leaders of their calibre and SNAP’s candidates in the 27 seats will be at par, if not better than PKR’s candidates.

As it has always maintained, SNAP will be happy to be a part of an electoral pact if it is allowed to contest in the said 27 constituencies. However, should there be a free for all, SNAP has the capacity and candidates to contest up to 40 seats. That is an option that it will take only if there is no more rules of engagement among the opposition parties.


Opposition supporters are hoping, and SNAP along with them, that the natives in a bold decisive move will act with political maturity and courage to invoke an electoral tsunami. It is indeed high expectations.

However, it is disheartening to note that while such a lofty commitment is expected of natives, the possibility that their commitment might extend to financing the election campaign that they favour is strangely dismissed by these commentators. On this premise, SNAP is maliciously accused of conspiring with BN in order to get political funding. Such accusations are insulting to SNAP and are the furthest from the truth.

These commentators underestimated and underrated successful natives as people who cannot put money where their hearts are. In the last few months, SNAP has been inundated with monetary contributions from well-to-do natives working abroad. Perhaps these commentators have stereotyped natives to the point that it is unthinkable to them, for example, that a native petroleum engineer working in the Middle East and earning US$ 25,000 a month and who is moved by the plight of his community, will contribute up to RM100,000 to SNAP’s election campaign.

SNAP needs money badly but it also realises that an efficient and honest campaign will not be too dependent on huge campaign budgets.

Quality of Candidates

It has been mentioned that SNAP’s candidates are of the quality that can be bought over once elected. It is as if there is a fail-proof formula to prevent this. At SNAP, we humbly submit that we have dealt with this issue on a ‘best-effort’ basis. It is only those who have not gone through the rigours of election management that wishfully think a watertight formula is ever possible. By the same token SNAP would like to hear those people who doubt the integrity of our candidates, if it is at all possible, to attest their supreme confidence that candidates of PKR or any of the other opposition parties will not jump ship once elected.

SNAP’s list of candidates is multiracial in nature. It comprises young professionals and also a good mix of Dayak nationalists with experience far beyond those of the commentators.


Let the voters decide. SNAP respects the opinions of others as their right to voice out opinions in a democracy. By the same token, SNAP reserves its right to its own political action without having to be accused of treachery and all the other tales that make interesting gossip at the teh tarek stalls.

SNAP urges that before certain presumptions are made, basic empirical research should be done that goes beyond mere rhetoric and wishful thinking.

Like everybody else in this state, we wish to unseat the Taib regime. But we will do it in a manner that safeguards Sarawakian and Dayak control over their own affairs and destiny, and avoid jumping out of the pot into the fire. Our words are based on actual experience but we certainly welcome learned comments and guidance from armchair politicians made in good faith.

God bless the people of Sarawak.

The writer holds a master degree in political science from University of British Columbia, Canada. He was previously the deputy secretary-general of PKR and is now the director of elections for SNAP in the coming Sarawak state elections.

March 28, 2011

Saut tanya ngagai SNAP

Filed under: Pakatan Rakyat,Sarawak Politics,State Election — Pengayau @ 11:03 am

SNAP diatu ukai baka SNAP maia zaman niang Stephen Kalong Ningkan kelia.SNAP diatu semina kena BN mecah ke Undi Dayak alu nyadi Ulun BN!!!

1.Uji tanya ngagai Edwin Dundang,amat tauka enda 4 iku Ketuai ari SNAP udah di beri mata duit RM20,00 siku kena meli entuka  4wd?

2.Uji tanya ngagai Pemuda SNAP,amat tauka enda sida udah nerima mata duit RM200,00 ari siku Tukey Cina ari Malaya?

3.Uji tanya ngagai SNAP nama kebuah Malaysian Civil Liberties Movement (MCLM) ti betuaika Harris Ibrahim mutus ka semua kaul enggau sida iya?

4.Uji tanya ngagai SNAP nama kebuah Movement Of Change Sarawak (MOCS) ti betuaika Francis Siah mutus ka semua kaul enggau sida iya?

5.Uji tanya ngagai SNAP nama kebuah sida enda nyadi ngaga Training PACA(Polling Agent,Counting Agent) kena 9 aribulan March 2011 ti udah di atur alu di pesutuju ka sida enggau  MCLM di Miri tang nyentuk ka saritu alu bedau madah ka kebuah?

6.Uji tanya ngagai SNAP nama kebuah SNAP mansut ka nama calon sebedau di tapis dulu ulih MCLM laban SNAP sigi udah bejanji deka minta tulung MCLM napis calon sida iya ngambi ka semua calon sida iya nya calon ti berkualiti tauka berkaliber?

7.Uji tanya ngagai SNAP,amat tauka enda Paul Kadang bc nerima duit RM50K kena sida ngaga symposium di Miri,Sibu enggau di Kuching sarinya?

8.Uji tanya ngagai SNAP nama kebuah sida alu bedau meri nyaut saut tanya ari Francis Siah ti meri sida iya 48 jam sebedau iya mecah ke rahsia SNAP?

9.Uji tanya ngagai SNAP amat tauka enda bala calon sarinya di janji tauka udah di beri mata duit RM10K siku alu mayuh agi deka di beri tauka di janji lebuh maia pengawa bepilih ila?

10.Uji tanya ngagai SNAP amat tauka enda sida bisi ngaga sempekat enggau bala UMNO Malaya kena mechah ke Undi Dayak maia pengawa bepilih tu ila

11.Uji tanya ngagai SNAP,dini sida bulih duit kena bejalai ka pengawa Parti sida tu tang suba madah ke diri nadai duit?

12.Uji tanya ngagai SNAP nama kebuah bala Ketuai dalam SNAP enggai ngangkat talipaun ari Francis Siah tauka Radio Free Sarawak kenyau ari berita tu pansut sarinya?

13.Uji tanya ngagai SNAP nama kebuah sida selalu enda datai maia baum Pakatan Rakyat enggau bala Raban ari DAP,PAS enggau PKR senentang bebagi ka penuduk?

14.Uji tanya ngagai SNAP,amat tauka enda siku Ketuai sida kala nginjau duit ari Ketua Cabang PKR Miri suba kena bejalai ke pengawa SNAP tang nyentuk ka diatu alu bedau di bayar?

15.Uji tanya ngagai SNAP amat tauka enda sida udah bisi Election Machinery sereta mayuh sukung ari bala Dayak?

16.Uji tanya ngagai SNAP amat tauka enda sida iya suba semina minta sereta bersetuju enggau 3 iti seat ianya Marudi(Edwin Dundang),Bukit Saban(Darrel Walter) enggau Telang Usan(Kebing Wan) maia keterubah iya berunding ka penuduk enggau Baru Bian ari PKR suba?

17.Uji tanya ngagai bala SNAP nama jaku sida maia nya suba?

“Auk,enda ngawa,3 iti seat nya pan cukup meh laban kami SNAP ndai duit”

List of SNAP candidates

1. Edwin Dundang (Marudi) SNAP President,Former District Officer of Baram,Lost to Robert Lawson Chuat in Bukit Saban in 2006 Sarawak State Election

2. Kebing Wan (Telang Usan) SNAP Acting Deputy President,Lost to Lihan Jok 2006 Sarawak State Election

3. Augustine Liom (Machan) Ex Industrial Court Judge,Lawyer,Former Policy Director of PKR Sarawak,Former SNAP candidate in Sarawak State Election 2006 and lost to Joseph Mauh Ikeh in Tamin

4. Anthony Liman Sujang (Krian) Lawyer,Former Treasure General of PBDS

5. Dayrell Walter Entrie (Bukit Saban) SNAP Youth Chief,Lost to to Alfred Jabu Layar in 2006 Sarawak State Election

6. Stephen Sigar (Opar)

7. Frankie Jurem Nyumboi (Tasik Biru)

8. Richard Peter Munai (Bengoh) Former Personal Assistant of Dr Jerip Susil

9. Sylvester Belayong (Kedup) Lost to Ritchard Riot Jaem in Serian in 2008 Parliamentary Election

10. Abang Othman Abang Gom (Lingga) Former PKR candidate in Sarawak State Election 2006 and lost to Simoi Peri

11. Dan Giang (Balai Ringgin) Former campaign manager for Cobbold John in 2006 Sarawak state election

12. Joe Unggang (Layar) Former bank employee in Sri Aman

13. Tedong Gunda alias Jamal Abdullah (Pakan) SNAP member,associate himself with PKR with hope to contest in Pakan and now back to SNAP

14. George Lagong (Baleh) Half brother of Datuk Sng Chee Hua

15. John Bampa (Belaga) Former SNAP candidate in Sarawak State Election 2006 and lost in 3 corner fight with Liwan Lawang,Stanly Ajang Batok.Managed to secure only 912 votes

16. Johari Bujang (Lambir) Former District Officer of Miri

17. Simijie Janting (Engkilili)

18. Ateng Jeros (Tarat) Lawyer based in Kuching

19. Anthony Nais (Tebedu) Businessman

20. Ivanhoe Anthony Belon (Bukit Begunan) Businessman

21. Bakin Umpa (Meluan) Farmer

22. Alexius Douglas (Ngemah) Self Employed

23. Munan John Andrew (Tamin) Self Employed

24. Adang Jirau (Kakus) Farmer

25. Douglas Alau (Pelagus) Businessman,Ex Lecturer,former PBDS candidate in Sarawak State Election 1991,stand as Independent in 2001 but lost in both attempt to Gramong Juna in Machan

26. Toh Heng San (Katibas) Ex Assemblymen and SUPP Chairman for Engkilili

27. Rosnah Mohamad (Jepak) Businesswoman, Former exco of Angkatan Muda Keadilann (AMK) Sarawak

28. Lawrence Cosmas Sundang (Batu Danau) Government Pentioner

29.Thony Badak (Bekenu) Shell employee,SPDP member and Councilor in Miri

March 25, 2011

Why MCLM has severed ties with SNAP

Filed under: Pakatan Rakyat,Sarawak Politics,State Election — Pengayau @ 11:27 pm
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Taken From Peoples Parliament

I reproduce the press statement released at the MCLM press conference this morning.


On 16th February, 2011, MCLM announced the formation of a strategic alliance with the Sarawak National Party (SNAP), the objective being to lay the foundation of a concerted effort to, firstly, end the plight of the marginalized Sarawakians by ending Barisan Nasional and Chief Minister Taib Mahmud’s 30-year reign of pillage in Sarawak in the soon-to be held state elections and, secondly, to establish a pro-rakyat federal government post the 13th General Election and begin the process of restoring the nation to the rakyat.

In late February, during a meeting with the SNAP leadership in Kuching, MCLM had, in keeping with its drive to improve the quality of candidates offered to oppose BN candidates in the state elections, as well as to empower citizens to be effective agents of change and reform, offered to assist SNAP in screening the prospective candidates of SNAP as well as organising polling agent/counting agent training for its members.

Whilst the SNAP leaders had, then, enthusiastically accepted this offer of help, leading us to arrange for the training to take place in Miri on 19th March, 2011, developments over the last two weeks have led us to the irresistible conclusion that there was little sincerity, if any, on the part of the SNAP leaders in ever wanting to achieve the stated objectives of the alliance as aforesaid.

Towards the end of the second week of March, without proffering any reasons, we were informed by SNAP that the training was cancelled until further notice.

Then, on 15th March, 2011, we received information that SNAP would, on the following day, be announcing the names of 16 candidates to contest in the state elections even though, until then, we had not been given the full details of any of those candidates to be screened.

On 16th March, 2011, SNAP did indeed announce the details of 16 candidates, none of whom, as far as we know, had been screened to ensure capability and integrity.

Intelligence reports from our operatives in Sarawak have confirmed our worst fears: many of the 16 candidates are regarded as high-risk, integrity-wise.

Over the last few days, we also received reports that the SNAP candidates and some of their ‘privileged’ leaders had suddenly come into significant funds that were being made available by operatives from Kuala Lumpur acting under the directions of BN.

On 22nd March, 2011, SNAP announced the names of another 11 candidates.

Again, information we have received of these latest candidates is not favourable.

It must be stressed here that the action by SNAP to renege on an arrangement to screen all potential candidates, and to now announce candidates of questionable integrity, without more, makes the continuation of the alliance quite untenable, as we have at all times made clear our insistence that only candidates of unquestionable integrity are to be offered to serve the rakyat in the state assemblies and Parliament.

On 23rd March, 2011, reports in the news portals Sarawak Report and Free Malaysia today confirmed the information that we had received last weekend that SNAP was receiving funding from Barisan Nasional and had entered into an alliance with BN to keep the latter in power in Sarawak.

We have since sought from the leaders of SNAP some cogent and convincing reasons for their actions, and a rebuttal of the most serious allegation that they are now working in concert with BN to undermine efforts to bring about a regime change in Sarawak but, regrettably, none has been forthcoming.

For these reasons, we are, with immediate, effect, severing our alliance with SNAP.

We also call on the people of Sarawak to exercise their vote wisely in the coming state elections and to reject the overtures of BN and its allies, both open and concealed.




March 24, 2011


Filed under: Taib Must Go — Pengayau @ 4:40 am

Taken from Sarawak Report
Our source, who described the plan as ”highly confidential”, is close to UMNO’s top decision-makers.  He confirmed that the ‘game plan’ of the worried PM and Deputy PM has been to build up SNAP in order to split the opposition and ensure a three-way contest in every seat.  He also makes clear that Federal BN are ready to ditch Taib, having seen poll results that point to him being a sure loser in the coming election.  In one SMS text our source, who has also met and spoken with a Sarawak Report writer, says:

” Confidentially, UMNO will support SNAP and many BN Sarawak representatives will jump ship.  Better to keep low key as nobody knows the game of the PM and Deputy PM”. (see above)

Details of the plot

UMNO Information Chief Datuk Ahmad Maslan acted as the key negotiator with SNAP during the PM and DPM’s visit last weekend

Sarawak Report has decided instead to publish the information, so that the public can be aware of this plan to dupe voters. During lengthy discussions our informant explained that the BN strategy is based, as ever, on attempting to purchase a solution to its political problems by buying over SNAP and cheating the electorate into thinking it is voting for the opposition!

While still posing as an anti-Taib/anti-BN party, SNAP’s initial job has been to disrupt the opposition by demanding all the winnable seats.  In the wake of this disruption it is then planned to emerge as a separate opposition force on the eve of the election to confuse voters.

The plotters hope that the division of the opposition will help the BN candidates win through, but they are also confident that with the injection of massive financial support from West Malaysia they can make SNAP the strongest opposition force so that it will win all the rural seats where Barisan support has collapsed.  Sarawak Report was told that the plotters plan to exploit what they see as SNAP’s trump card, which is its claim to be a local Sarawak party, unlike other parties which also have branches in West Malaysia.  “We are confident SNAP will win” our source explained, “because they can go to the longhouses – target the longhouses”.  However, devastatingly he went on to say that after the election SNAP would switch sides:

“SNAP and PKR have a problem.  SNAP want all the rural seats, then SNAP will go to BN – it’s a game la!”

Questioned over how a party which is supposed to be proudly Sarawakian could show such duplicity, our insider explained that it is no longer the same party that it had been years ago.  Taib had broken it long ago by dividing it and paying bribes. “It is not the same party, you know, it is a different party”.  Later he told us “They are the oldest party, but Taib played politics to divide and rule the party.. he paid money to buy people off”.  However,  demonstrating the viewpoint of a West Malaysian BN supporter, he concluded that the plan was a good way to get rid of Taib while keeping control of Sarawak.  Adapting a quote that has often been used to describe the present Chief Minister he announced:

“SNAP is now the safe deposit for the UMNO/BN government.  The Federal Government wants to use SNAP as an entry into Sarawak”

Part of a wider picture

Publicly together this weekend. But, behind Taib’s back the PM and DPM were desperately plotting over how to rid themselves of the discredited Chief Minister, who refuses to stpe down but is threatening to bring disaster in the elections.

This information, which was offered as part of a wider interview conducted with Sarawak Report last weekend, corroborates a number of broader signals indicating that SNAP is no longer a genuine partner in the PR coalition.

The party, which was only just revived as a political force last year after a suspension in 2002 by the Register of Societies, has acted as an increasingly disruptive force in the coalition, demanding far greater status than its limited membership and party reach should allow.  It has gone from requesting that 3 seats be allocated to its candidates last year, to 10 then 28 and now 40 seats, which would squeeze the main rural opposition party, Baru Bian’s PKR, into a tiny minority of opposition seats.

With only a handful of members and potential candidates at its disposal at the start of this year SNAP has meanwhile been desperately offering jobs and positions to anyone who would care to join and help build up the party as a credible political force.  The incentive they have been offering is a mystery source of money, which they have been claiming is at their disposal.

Later denied – Granda Aing was portrayed as joining SNAP at the weekend!

We have learnt that nearly all PKR’s own candidates, including leader Baru Bian, have been approached by SNAP to join their party over the past months, with offers of immediate payment of as much as RM500,000, although none have so far accepted.


March 20, 2011

Semadi Nadai Agi Parti

Filed under: State Election — Pengayau @ 10:13 am
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Taken from Antu Beduru

Oh antu, sinu aku meda kitai Iban. Selalu “nyamai belaya dulu ari belaya ila”. Tu meh utai ti kedeka sida Mamut & BN. Tak digiga sida bala parti pemangkang belaya. Tang sayau bala kitai Iban ba SNAP lalu enda mereti.

Baru manah manah PKR mai perau ke ulih ditepan kitai Iban ngicha ke ulih meruan.

Baru datai sida semenanjung mai panjong ngicha ke kitai Iban tau merengung. Enda mukai mukai ga SNAP mai terabai nyilat penatai sida ari seberai.

Tak kerah kerah sida SNAP ngumbai diri udah nyadi manah lalu tau mai pengubah ngasuh kitai Iban badu bepechah.

Nama tuju SNAP bakatu. Sapa enda nemu SNAP nadai duit, tang diatu nyau madah bisi orang sponsor. Reti nya enti nadai orang sponsor, nadai meh SNAP. Baka leka jako orang putih SNAPPED – patah. Uji peda bala sida calon SNAP, berapa iko ia ke bisi duit mimit. Kemayuh agi nya tak kering. Mayuh kapa kapa. Engka amat sekeda ari sida nya ila bisi utai ulih, tang kemayuh agi menik menik aja mata.

Ukai ku ka bejai sida SNAP, peda Edwin Dundang, nadai ga duit, Stanley Jugol, nadai ga duit. Bakani ka nyadi President etc. Candidate pan nadai sida. Ia ke temu aku sekeda bala SNAP mayuh betalipaun ngagai candidate PKR ngasuh sida nya melompat. Bakani tu ka nyadi. Uji sida SNAP anang beguai mayuh macham. Deliver first perau Pemangkang, nya baru berunding. Enti SNAP menang kerusi 16 + 20 + ? = 40. Pelaba aku nadai jalai. BN nemu, enti one-to-one fight, peluang BN alah endang besai. Tang enti 3 tauka 4 calon belaban, berani aku betui BN menang. YOU CAN CUT MY THROAT ko YB Gabriel Adit ba Batang Ai suba.

Amat munyi ko jako kaban siko. It takes a few Dayaks to kill a million Dayaks. Ko James Brooke, it needs A DAYAK TO KILL A DAYAK. Bakani kati, pengawa SNAP tu meh nganchur ke harapan kitai Iban. Enti ulih, for the sake of Iban/Dayaks anang meh sida beguai demand mayuh seats. Nya ga udah di perandau ke sida suba.

Peda PBB, ngumbai PKR bam, lapa sida enda meri mayuh agi seat ngagai PRS, SPDP enggau mayuh agi post ngagai kitai Dayak ba PBB. Sida semina nemu nganu PKR, tang sayau SNAP kena panjuk.

Semadi Nadai Agi Parti

MOCS nelanjaika SNAP!

Filed under: State Election — Pengayau @ 5:06 am

MOCS nelanjaika SNAP!

For your reading pleasure

———- Forwarded message ———-
From: Francis Siah <sirsiah@gmail.com>
Date: Sat, Mar 19, 2011 at 4:06 PM
Subject: SNAP has become a problem – Fwd: To SNAP leaders, esp PAUL KADANG 

MoCS fellows and friends, 

Since MoCS started, we have never criticised anyone except the Termite. That was my decision right from the very beginning.

Now, I have to reveal to you all what is actually happening and why SNAP has been attacking PKR.

It’s just the work of a few ‘soldiers of fortune’ in SNAP – they are all out to make a quick buck during the election. They don’t even care about their own Dayak community. The rest, including their announced candidates are all innocent. This much I can say.

Remember the Clint Eastwood western, “For A Few Dollars More”. That fits into the tiny brains of some SNAP people.

There will be fireworks in the days ahead. I will resolve this SNAP problem the best way possible.

Fighting the Termite has been a tall order for us. Unfortunately, we now have to settle the SNAP problem. As always, we must do what must be done.

Stay tuned.


Below: The letter I sent out to SNAP leaders yesterday

———- Forwarded message ———-
From: Francis Siah <sirsiah@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, Mar 18, 2011 at 11:27 AM
Subject: To SNAP leaders, esp PAUL KADANG
To: Paul Kadang, Stanley Jugol, Anthony Liman, Douglas Alau 

Dear Paul Kadang and SNAP leaders,

I have communicated with Paul Kadang on SNAP and what is going on for a long time, the last was this morning over the phone. I’m very disappointed with the way SNAP is operating.

MoCS wants to help SNAP but SNAP wants to be exclusive. DAP, PKR and PAS are together and are supportive. WHY is SNAP the odd one out. Too many secrets to hide. Paul Kadang has a lot to answer.

Let me get to the point.

I know what is going on in SNAP from Day One and its KL connection. Paul Kadang has wanted no secrets between him and me. That part I have kept but Paul has been very secretive and I’ve been told that he has even prevented some of you from communicating with me. Eg, Stanley Jugol is not even taking my calls now although he was happy to hear from me in the past.

MoCS has invited SNAP to several functions but even after Stanley had agreed to come, no SNAP people turned up. What? Is SNAP so powerful now that it doesn’t need the help of others, even when offered.

Or could it be because I know too much of SNAP’s secrets that I’m also a threat to some.

Let this be an appeal to the current crop of SNAP leaders NOT to let down your own Dayak people.

This battle should be about wanting to change Sarawak for the better and NOT about making peanut money from sponsors. Do not touch election money. It’s dirty!

I’m aware of how much money has been received by SNAP and where it comes from. A sum of 200k has been received via Paul so far. Only a measly sum but SNAP is expecting more.

(I have to state this figure because Paul smsed me this morning to declare that he does not handle election money. Can Paul deny here that he received the sum from the KL sponsor? )

The KL funders could be sincere in wanting to help but it’s not to fight PKR and create dissension in Pakatan Rakyat.

Let me STATE this very clearly.

If SNAP wants to be EXCLUSIVE, then it’s also in the way of MoCS’s agenda for change and wanting to rid Sarawak of its most corrupt leader.

Any opposition party which deviates from this agenda will have to face the wrath from MoCS and its affiliated NGOs.

If SNAP still continues to play hard balls and does not stop its quarrels with PKR publicly, I will go to the media and tell all about what is actually happening. Then SNAP will be the enemy as well.

DAP, PAS and PKR are working very closely together. MoCS is solidly behind them.

Let me declare here that I’m not a PKR member. I’m a non-politician. But PKR leaders in Sarawak are open and sincere people, like those in DAP and PAS. YB Wong and YB Chong are proven politicians of substance and they understand MoCS’s work. So too PAS people. I know that they genuinely want to help Sarawak. I’m unable to sense that in some SNAP people.

To those in SNAP, let me appeal to you – Don’t kill SNAP for a few ringgit. It’s a good vehicle. One day, it could be the strongest local party. Don’t let Stephen Kalong Ningkan, Edward Jeli, Balan Seling, Michael Ben and other SNAP patriots who had passed on roll in their graves. Let them rest peacefully.

And please don’t drag the respected elder statesman Daniel Tajem or even Edwin Dudang into this mess, principally created by Paul Kadang, and perhaps innocently and blindly supported by some of you.

Think of your own Dayak community first.

I will brief MoCS fellows on what is going on. I have no secrets with my members. If SNAP is still in this fight together with Pakatan Rakyat, there is still the opportunity to work together.

MoCS will organise a Conference of the Alliance of Opposition Forces (PR parties and NGOs) in Kuching soon. I will still invite SNAP to come…one more chance. If SNAP is not interested to attend, then we will know your stand.

Meanwhile, stop dreaming of 40 seats. SNAP doesn’t even have TEN ‘winnable’ candidates. Be honest about it.


March 19, 2011

Sarawak Report website has been CLONED!

Filed under: CyberWar,State Election,Taib Must Go — Pengayau @ 10:36 am
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We found out that Sarawak Report Website has been cloned.This cloned website has just starts operating 3 days ago based on their postings.When we first came across this CLONED Website,the only thing that went through our mind is “Lame,Pathetic and Desperate”

Sarawak Reports

We strongly believe that this “Shameless,Pathetic,Irresponsible” act being carried out by PBB/BN Bloggers/Cybertroopers who has been paid as high as RM5 K per month to kick start their Cyber Assault campaign against Anti Government/Anti Taib/Pro Opposition Blogs.Come on guys,you can try better than that next time ya?Whats next?Trying to cloned Radio Free Sarawak?

However,we had nothing to worried of because we know and we do believe that the Peoples of Sarawak  were not stupid to made fool of by this diversion tactics.Up untill now,they cant even dissmissed the “Credibilty” of series exposure by Sarawak Report for which,very well documented with proof and evidence to substantiate their allegations

It was also learnt that this Cybertroopers has received some “Training” from well known UMNO Blogger from MalayaWe were made to understand by a reliable source that this Cybertrooper were lead by one active Blogger by the name of Audie Chua.He is Ex PRS strongman alligned to Larry Sng faction before he get sacked from PRS by James Masing during their Party Crisis a few years back.It was also learnt that he is now with Pergerakan Pemuda SPDP 

According to our source,one Vice Chancelor from one ofthe University in Malaya said to be the Lead Strategist and he work together with Audie Chua.

Aziz Adenan Satem,the son of Tan Sri Adenan Satem who is the Special Adviser to the Chief Minister has been appointed as the head of Unit Media Baru PBB but he had done nothing.Instead of heading the UMB PBB to lead the Cyber Assault campaign agasint Pro Opposition bloggers,he had used all the funds to spearhead a Character Assasination campaign agaisnt their own leaders in PBB using a Blogs called Sebanaku Sarawak which they try to disguise as Pro Opposition Blogs.This is to “Kill” any leaders who become an obstacle for his father to be Heir of the Throne of Chief Ministership.

It is an open secret that he is not in a good relationship with YB Fadilah Yusof who is PBB Youth Chief and constantly they attack and discredit Fadillah in their Blogs posting.He work together with PBB Deputy Youth Chief by the name of Pandi Suhaili.But their dirty tactics has been expose.This has been revealed by Sebanaku2u  who had exchanged private message with us at Facebook

Back to the main topic,their Modus Operandi were to counter rebut all allegations and exposure by Sarawak Report and other Pro Opposition Blogs.Some sources leaked to us has confirmed that series of Training and Seminars has been held in Kuching by some “Personnel” from the  Special Bunch

This Training/Seminar was meant to provide some “Diversion with Provocative” tactics which the main agenda is to divert the attention from the REAL ISSUE in Sarawak which is the issues of Corruptions,Cronisyme and Land Grabbing of Chief Minister of Sarawak,Abdul Taib Mahmud

Last week,PBB Youths has lodged a Police Report agasint Radio Free Sarawak and demand for an investigation should be done as they claimed that Radio Free Sarawak broadcasting its malicious lies to the rakyat and also is an illegal Radio Station which constantly insigate the Peoples to go agaisnt the Government other than to disseminate the Anti Government sentiment

Let we quote :

Vice youth chief Pandi Suhaili said the movement felt relief with this assurance because it wants the radio station to stop from broadcasting its malicious lies to the rakyat.

“We are living in a multi-racial state by which it is of great importance for all of us to have a good relationship with all communities in order to have a peaceful life.

“Therefore, we must not condone any act of planting the seeds of hatred among the rakyat by irresponsible party such as RFS,”

However,they have yet to lodge a Police Report agaisnt Sarawak Report.This is very ironic since both the operators of Radio Free Sarawak and Sarawak Report has reveal their identity and they are the same individual who operate both Sarawak Report and Radio Free Sarawak

So over and over again we had challenged PBB members to lodged a Police Report but seems like they prefer to keep their mouth shut when comes to Sarawak Report.There is an old saying “Silent is Golden”

So far,Chief Minister Abdul Taib Mahmud neither denied or confirm all the exposure.His only reply when being asked by some reporters regarding the allegation which being exposed by the Whistleblower website is “Mischiveous” despite several report has been lodged to MACC but sadly,no action has been taken agaisnt him

So to all PBB/BN Bloggers/Cybertroopers,we beg you guys please,please do not stoop so low and resorts to such “Childish” tactics.It only shows how desperate you guys in defending the ever corrupt “Pehin Sri”

But wait,let we dedicate this You Tube video specially to you guys

“You Can Bend and Twist It,Misuse and Abuse It,But even God Cannot Change The Truth” ~Michael Levy~

Ps:The original website is www.Sarawakreport.org while the cloned version is www.Sarawakreports.org .The only different is the last letter S!!

Film Tribute To Ross Boyert

We quote from Sarawak Report

It was Ross Boyert who helped confirm to Sarawak Report that the ultimate owner of these family property companies run by the Taibs was indeed the Chief Minister himself.  This is a fact that Taib has always sought to hide, but Boyert was able to hand us documented proof.  We have since frequently asked the Chief Minister to confirm or deny this ownership and to explain how in his role as Chief Minister he could have legitimately earned such enormous wealth.

Boyert had regarded himself as a friend of the Taib family and said he met the Chief Minister and his late wife Laila on a number of occasions.  He told us there was never any doubt that it was Taib who was in control of his family’s businesses.  He told us that he had not realised until much later that the buildings had been bought out of illegal profits from deforestation.

However, he paid an enormous price for acting as a whistle-blower against the Taibs.  They retaliated with a ruthless lawsuit that saw him bankrupted and left homeless and penniless.

He and his wife Jonni also complained to Sarawak Report that they had suffered sustained intimidation during the course of that lawsuit, which left them unable to pick up the pieces of their life.  Last October, a few weeks after he gave us his story, he was found dead in a rare form of suspected suicide with a bag taped around his head in an LA motel room.

We filmed with the Boyerts and came to like and respect them.  We now present that story as a tribute to their bravery in speaking out.

March 17, 2011

Protests in Australia and Europe announced

Taken from BMF

After street action in the UK, US and Canada, a second series of protests against Sarawak Chief Minister Taib Mahmud’s massive corruption is planned for next week in Australia and Switzerland, just ahead of Taib’s 30th anniversary in power on Saturday 26 March 2011.

Monday 21 March 2011
Sydney, Australia
12:30 p.m. in front of the Taib family-owned Valentine on George Hotel, 767 George St
Organized by Rainforest Information Centre, Sydney (www.rainforestinfo.org.au/borneo/21st.pdf)
The protest rally will be adressed by retiring Greens MP Ian Cohen
Contact: John Seed, Tel.                             +61 4 1037 0632              , E-mail: rainforestinfo(a)ozemail(dot)com(dot)au

Friday 25, March 2011
Adelaide, Australia
12:30 p.m. at the “Taib Mahmud, Chief Minister of Sarawak Court”, adjacent to the Ligertwood Buidling at Adelaide University
Organized by the South Australian Greens (www.sa.greens.org.au)
The protest rally will be adressed by MP Mark Parnell, State Parliamentary Leader of the South Australian Greens
Contact: Cate Mussared, Tel.                             +61 8 8237 9111              , E-mail: Parnell(at)parliament(dot)sa(dot)gov(dot)au

Friday 25 March 2011
Bern, Switzerland
11 a.m. Helvetiaplatz
Organized by the Bruno Manser Fund, Basel (www.bmf.ch)
The event will be used to deposit more than 6000 signatures of BMF’s Stop Timber Corruption petition to the nearby Malaysian embassy.
Contact: Michael Kraft, Tel.                             +41 76 428 25 11              , E-mail: timber-corruption(a)bmf(dot)ch

Saturday 26 March 2011
Hounville (Tasmania), Australia
10 a.m. at the Huon Valley Environment Centre, 17 Wilmot Rd., Huonville (www.huon.org)
The protest will be held in front of the nearby Taib family-related Ta Ann veneer mill. The logging group Ta Ann is controlled by Taib Mahmud’s cousin Hamed Sepawi. It is responsbile for destructive logging of High Conservation Value Tasmanian forests.
Contact: Jenny Weber                             +61 3 6264 1286              , E-mail: huonenvironmentalcentre(a)gmail(dot)com

We will keep you updated on planned further action in Vienna (Austria), Hamburg (Germany) and other cities around the globe.

(17 March 2011)

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